Legislative Cowards Surface to Stop JFC Cuts. Politics uber alles. Too many constituents are being hurt, say ‘leaders’ McBride and Schwartzkopf. So they’re ‘stopping’ the JFC process to see what can be done. We, of course, know what can be done: Raise taxes on Delaware’s wealthiest, which of course was a non-starter in Pete’s House. Stop giving away $$’s to for-profit businesses. BTW, like on everything else, Carney was AWOL in this article. Shit’s hitting the fan, folks. Will D’s act like D’s? Uh, that’s a rhetorical question.
Say It Ain’t So, Joe. Biden launches PAC to keep his name out there for 2020. Two things: (1) He missed his window in 2016, he regrets it, so he thinks he wants to run in 2020; and (2) the idea of a Biden campaign invariably turns out better than the Biden campaign itself.
Jellyfish John Doesn’t Do So Well in Sussex. One more way to raise funds, raising the gas tax, is off limits, according to Gov. Green Eyeshade.
Drain The Swamp? I don’t think so. This article reveals some of the White House employees who were given ‘ethics waivers’ by Trump. Lotsa foxes given waivers to guard henhouses.
Could This Supreme Court Decision Be a Boon For Consumers? Looks that way, but my patent law is a little rusty.
Blind Squirrel Finds Acorn. HRC Makes A Good Point. How did the Russkies know exactly which e-mails to leak and when? There had to be American collusion. I think she’s correct.
How Bannon and Pruitt Became ‘Trump’s Brain’ On the Paris Climate Accords. Yes, he’s gonna exit, and he largely has these two radical nut-jobs to thank. We’re so fucked.
More Stately Mansions. Obama banished the Russians from two ‘compounds’ after Russia’s involvement in the election became public. Trump wants to invite the Russians back in.
Man, that’s a lot of news. What do you want to talk about?