Delaware Liberal

Toward a Democratic Party Elevator Speech – “Patriotism, Equality, Science, Results”

I was moved by the newly adopted Democratic Party Platform.  It collects a lot of our best values and highest aspirations.  What it doesn’t do is summarize those values into a quick elevator speech.  A quick manifesto or touchstone.    Here is my take on what that might look like:

Patriotism, Equality, Science, Results

Patriotism. If you love America, you want our country to prosper and for all of its people to be happy, healthy and productive. Democrats are on the front lines of protecting America’s core values and traditions.

Equality. No person of good will shall be excluded, looked down on, abused or ignored because of their economic status, religion, or sex. Democrats want all Americans to take part in building this great nation, and sharing the blessings of liberty.

Science. The complexities of modern life demand serious solutions that are grounded in empirical evidence, not ideology. Democrats value scientific study, and respect the hard won, practical benefits of science.

Results. Political policies have real world impact on our people and communities. Democrats are working to build a government that utilizes its strength to guarantee rights and services, is more influential and effective tomorrow than it is today.

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