Delaware Liberal

Open Thread For June 16, 2017

D’s Give Delaware’s Wealthiest Another Break.  Yep, those who inherited obscene wealth will now be able to keep all of it in the (DuPont) family.  Although not on the Senate Agenda, both the corporate tax increase and repeal of the estate tax passed the Senate and heads to the Governor.  The Estate Tax repeal says a lot about both parties:  The D’s willing to negotiate it away, and the R’s insisting on eliminating something that only impacted a small number of obscenely wealthy family members who inherited their good fortune.  Just awful.

The Evil Empire Comes to the Queen. Dinosaur supergroups and inflated prices. Think Kahunaville times 20.  Speaking of dinosaurs, check out the Purzycki/Carney photo in the article.

Sessions: ‘Oops, I Lied Again.’  Allegedly met with Russian lobbyist over dinners.  Dinners with an ‘s’. RussiaRussiaRussia.

PM May Puts Kibosh On Russian Assassination Investigations.  Interesting Buzzfeed investigative report. Politically-connected Russians being assassinated all over England.

GOP Worries That They’re Losing the Georgia Special Election.  I think this is a must-win for the D’s.  Close-but-no-cigar is not good enough.

Pence Lawyers Up. With Good Reason.  His best defense seems to be ‘I was out of the loop’. As head of the Trump Transition Team? I don’t think so.  Take, for example, this article. He may not survive, either.

How Trump Administration Rolls Back Civil Rights Protections. Essential investigative journalism from Pro Publica. Do what I did. Donate.

What do you want to talk about?

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