Delaware Correctional Officers To Finally Get Pay Raise: Minner/Carney kicked the can down the road back in 2005, Markell punted the can as far as he could. Leading to an inevitable tragedy. Might I point out that state employees have been treated with the same lack of regard as the correctional officers by disdainful governors? Well, mostly Markell.
Chemours Dumping Toxic Material Into North Carolina River? Like parent company, like spin-off.
Why Ossoff Lost. Wouldn’t take a strong stand on anything. Did I mention that Dems suck?
CIA Shared Classified Info With Flynn Despite Fact He Was a ‘Known Security Risk’: This Pompeo guy hardly seems the guy for the CIA.
Check Out THIS Pharma Rip-Off. Combine two common over-the-counter drugs, give it a new name, charge thousands for scrips. Oh, and would you be shocked to learn that one of these combo of generics was created by, wait for it, Astra Zeneca? More great work from Pro Publica.