ACA replacement monstrosity will pass because – fuck it

Filed in National by on June 23, 2017

Republicans fear their base, (and primary challenges from the right) a lot more than they fear losing to Democrats (scoff) in general elections. They also feel (rightly) that they were elected to fuck shit up. Fucking shit up is not a bug, it is a feature of GOP governance.

So yes… this monstrosity should kill them but it will only make them stronger.

You can read a longer version of this lament here if you are into that sort of thing.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. alby says:

    This presupposes that GOP voters care about hurting Democrats even more than they care about their own well-being. That could be, but I tend to doubt it. People are selfish, and Republicans more than most.

    Your argument, such as it is, amounts to, “I’m a pessimist, and it will happen because bad things always do.” I find that unpersuasive and self-defeating.

  2. mediawatch says:

    I emailed my letters to Carper and Coons last night and challenged both of them to prove how effective they can be at the bipartisanship that they love to tout. How? By having each of them take two GOP senators who haven’t made up their minds and turning them into no votes by the end of next week.
    If they’re going to save a health-care system that is working (albeit not perfectly) for Delawareans, and for the American people, they’ve got to do more than say “I voted no, but we were outnumbered.” They’ve got to bring some wavering Republicans over to their side.
    That’s the difference between representing us and actually working for us. There is no better time for Carper and Coons to prove that bipartisanship means something other than agreeing with Republicans’ ideas.

  3. jason330 says:

    My argument.. as far as I can make it out, is “This monstrosity will pass because Republicans will be Republicans. ” In 2017 I don’t think it is shocking to think Republicans will be Republicans.

    I suppose it is pessimistic to think that “being Republicans” will make them stronger. Bitter experience has turned me into a pessimist when it comes to Democrats being effective, and “being Republicans” has worked for them for years.

  4. alby says:

    Oh, I agree it will pass. I think you’re wrong that it will “make them stronger,” at least not at the ballot box. I think Cletus and Daisy Sue will figure things out when they have to live with Meemaw and her hospital bed in the front room.

  5. jason330 says:

    “I think Cletus and Daisy Sue will figure things out when they have to live with Meemaw and her hospital bed in the front room.”

    I hope you are right and McConnell is wrong.

  6. alby says:

    Me, too. I admit I trust my instincts less now than I used to.

  7. Paula says:

    @Mediawatch — that’s a brilliant ask, and I’m using it in my calls today.

  8. Liz says:

    Trump refused to pay health care providers since january undermining the aca. Its the real reason insurance companies leaving exchanges! Premiums going up for poor elderly and disabled pukes view as useless eaters. This bill is a tax cut not a health care bill.

  9. Ben says:

    The people who voted for R’s deserve every horrible thing this bill does to them. Hopefully other D states can follow Ca’s lead and chart their own path to keeping their citizens healthy. You KNOW the R states wont. With any luck, their populations will drop enough to tip the balance. I have nothing but contempt for republicans. All of them. Voters or officials. They are cancer.

  10. Liz says:

    60% of citizens are on medicaid. Why not make medicaid a single payer program and get for profit robber barron insurance conpanies out of mix?

  11. Liz says:

    Delaware has no money if this monster passes delaware unable to cover costs? I spoke to trini about a single payer plan and was in agreement. When our single payer bill was seeking sponsors. We had 28 signing on. Time for kowalko. Keeley mcdowell jacques et al get that bill out of the desk drawer and reintroduce it. Now is the time!

  12. Puzzler says:

    It’s ironic that to some extent the provenance of the right’s hatred of the ACA was the Tea Party, with its ridiculous claims that Obama was a socialist and/or a communist (and other bat-shit epithets).

    Of course, with many of these people, Obama’s main actual heresy was being a good-natured, dignified black man. But with Fox News stoking the outrage (and the bat-shit), by the time the real work on health care reform began, loathing it had become a matter of tribal identity.

    The irony is that the original tea party helped us rid us of a king. The new tea party has given us one.