Kushner, Trump, Russia, Loans, Deutsche Bank. Emoluments. Not just for the President any more. Kushner got a $285 mill lifeline loan month before election. So many conflicts-of-interest, so little time (to secure that credit line). Great reporting from WaPo.
British PM Theresa May Cuts Deal With RWNJ Fringe Party To Stay In Office. Homophobia and creationism are two of the DUP Party’s core beliefs. That’s Fuck DUP.
UD Cuts Ties With Professor Who Said That Otto Warmbier Got What He Deserved. It was, of course, inevitable. A quote from the University: “The comments of Katherine Dettwyler do not reflect the values or position of the University of Delaware”. Well, of course they don’t. But if everything said by every UD professor was to conform to that standard, then everybody would sound just like Ed Freel. Not the diversity of thought you would hope to find on a college campus. Yes, her comments were incendiary. But she at least had a point worth considering. Something college campuses should cultivate, IMHO.
‘Science Is Running For Congress’. A distinguished scientist, to be specific. Against Russia’s and climate deniers’ fave representative, Dana Rohrabacher.
Rethugs Playing Whack-A-Mole On Trumpcare: While senators ask for more time, vote is set for this week. They’ll get the votes. They always do.
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