Been poring through the Budget and Grants-In-Aid bills. My, uh, patriotic duty.
There’s a category under Grants-In-Aid entitled ‘Disabled/Health/Labor’. Total appropriations under this line are $2,890,641. That’s for 40 agencies, if my count is correct.
One agency’s take dwarfed what any other agency got. Wanna guess?
That’s right. Direct from the Grants-In-Aid bill:
Jobs For Delaware Graduates $1,116,158.
Meaning that over 38% of all funds going to address organizations in this category go to Jobs For Delaware Graduates.
Sen. Poore (the last name hardly fits any more) is stealing from the public twice. First with her six-figure job as head of this phony exercise in public relations, and second by stealing funds away from far more deserving agencies.
Enabled, of course, by the Joint Finance Committee upon which she serves. Ethical bankruptcy on the part of all involved.