Open Thread For July 4, 2017
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Likely To Retire. Say goodbye to the courts. One more spike through the heart of democracy.
Turns Out That Sanders ‘Scandal’ Was Bullshit. Toensing? Toensing? Where have I heard that name before? Oh, yes, Clinton haters Victoria Toensing is his mother and Joe DiGenova is his stepfather. A scum family. Appointment to a US Attorney spot for Toensing the Younger is in the works. Our America, ladies and gentlemen.
Someone Was In the Tank For Trump’s Hotel Deal. GSA official greenlighted blatant conflict-of-interest. Saves Trump millions of dollars.
‘The Heroin Crisis In Trump’s Backyard’. Fascinating piece on Palm Beach County and its proliferation of ‘sober homes’.
Decline Of White Christianity Cannot Be Reversed. Such is the premise of this article from The Atlantic.
Figured I might as well include my Holy Trinity of 4th of July songs to brighten up what has been another depressing day for open thread topics:
Written by the great Dave Alvin:
“What a waste of gunpowder and sky”:
And of course, the Grand Champeen! This version is a tribute to Danny Federici, who died soon after this concert:
What do you want to talk about?
Not brand new but I just watched this….another concerning conservative propaganda assault, courtesy of John Oliver…..
Yep. Fox News has become too mainstream for the knuckle draggers, so Sinclair is stepping in. Here’s one article on Sinclair: