I don’t dislike Clinton zealots and “centrist” Dems personally. Some of them are very nice people. Tom Carper one on one? Class guy. First rate. What I don’t like are people wedded to a political philosophy that has such a long track record of abject failure. By luck and design we live in a two party system, and the radical modern Republican Party in America needs a legitimate counterweight. The Party of John Carney and Hillary Clinton is not that acting as that counterweight.
If mushy, “third way” middle of the road, compromise first and bi-partiisanship above all actually WORKED, I’d love it. Other than for the election of Bill Cinton, WHEN HAS IT EVER WORKED? Your endless appetite for appeasement is leaving Republicans to run roughshod over American norms and values that have served us well for over 240 years. Just stop it. Stop killing America.
Dustyn Thompson and Eric Morrison wrote a guest post at Blue Delaware which deals with this topic more diplomatically than I could have.
Photo: Carney, all smiles, signs the most morally bankrupt state budget in Delaware’s history.