Delaware Liberal

Help Laura Sturgeon Take On Greg Lavelle

Sturgeon has launched a polished, professional campaign that I’m sure is already giving Lavelle a panic attack. That is worthy of support all on its own, but as a DEMOCRAT, I also like reading…

All strong economies have a large, vibrant middle class. Unions help the middle class, progressive taxation helps the middle class, affordable health care helps the middle class, women’s access to reproductive choices helps the middle class, and excellent public education helps the middle class. I do not support the failed trickle-down economic policies of the past, and will fight to make sure the working people of Delaware are not over-burdened by shouldering the bulk of the cost of state programs.

This was El Somanbulo’s take on Lavelle back in March:

I think Lavelle could well be vulnerable based both on anti-Trump sentiment and b/c he’s such a shill for the least desirable aspects of Rethuggery. District’s about 50-50, and there are a lot of moderate R’s. A D appeal to R women could prove effective.

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