Delaware Liberal

Open Thread For July 11, 2017

Donnie Jr. Lied Again.  A big lie. He’s not as skilled a liar as his pop. Yet. They’re all going down. Firing of Mueller in 3-2-1?

Kushner Pushed For Huge Loan From Qatar. Could this be why Trump is putting the screws to Qatar? Blatant conflicts-of-interests everywhere. 666 y’all.

Rare Good News For Consumers. Federal agency paves the way for consumer class action lawsuits.  Wonder how long that’ll last.

Foxes Guarding the Henhouse: A Who’s Who.  Trump’s team for gutting regulations, kept far from public view.  Great reporting from Pro Publica and the NYTimes.

City Council Dithers on Wilmington Gun Registry Legislation. In fairness, the bill is a total mess.  Isn’t that what legislators are supposed to fix?

How DOJ Is Trying To Stifle Voter Protections. It’s now a well-established Trumpian strategy: Get everyone to pay attention to the public facade (the so-called Election Integrity Commission) while President Bannon guts protections while nobody is looking.

Senate Will Consider Trump’s FBI Choice Wednesday.  He’s defended both Credit Suisse and Chris Christie.  Seems perfect.

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