Delaware Liberal

Are Americans really ready to take this on?

As wisdom drops innocently from the mouths of babes, so too we get the game plan to discredit Robert Mueller and defend the Kremlin installed puppet, from the keyboards of wingnut idiots that visit here. In summary form:

“Mr Mueller was a contributor to Hillary Clinton’s campaign…”

“…he has loaded up his staff with other Clinton contributors…”

“If Mueller is fired, someone less biased will be appointed to the position…”

“…the ‘investigation’ are politically motivated”

This puerile defense of Trump’s obvious crimes has been the in works for a while in the wing nut media. It has been building since before the inauguration if you count Trump’s endless attacks in a free press and the idea of legitimate constitutional checks and balances.

The bottom line is that the racists, a-holes and dumbfucks who consider themselves “conservatives” first and Americans last, are ready to fight for their racist dumbfuck President and his vision of a racist, dumbfuck American Oligarchy. Their rationalizations are bottomless. Their illusions constantly reinforced by hitting the Fox News crack pipe.

Are ordinary Americans ready to take this on? Are we ready to fight for the free America we grew up in? Has our mettle been bread out of us by 240 years of relative domestic peace and prosperity? Are we too tired or distracted by our boutique issues, and petty rivalries to link up in the streets?

I admit that I didn’t see this coming in year one of Trump’s Kleptocracy, but now I’m convinced that these are questions that will be answered in the coming months.

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