Archive for July, 2017

Open Thread For July 16, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 16, 2017 3 Comments

Serious Infighting Over Ogletown Land Deal.  Some of our favorite elected officials sniping at each other. Depressing. Meet Cheryl Stanton: Trump’s Choice To Enforce Federal Wage Laws.  Yes, she’s stiffed the people who clean her house. Perfect. Trumpcare Vote Delayed.  McCain had surgery, will miss at least a week.  Will probably need a couple of […]

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Open Thread For July 15, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 15, 2017 21 Comments

City Council’s Slush Fund. It was easy pickin’s for serial grifter Theo Gregory. I rarely quote from articles, I’d rather have you read them, but this can’t be ignored: In this atmosphere, former Council President Theo Gregory granted nearly $600,000 over four years to Education Voices, Inc. – a nonprofit he founded the month he took office.   […]

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Carper and Coons still stone cold locks – but a little less so

Filed in National by on July 14, 2017 20 Comments
Carper and Coons still stone cold locks – but a little less so

Cassandra at BlueDelaware noticed this survey and showing that Coons and Carper are less popular today that they were yesterday. The survey company reported 58 percent of Delaware voters approve of Sen. Tom Carper and 52 percent approve of Sen. Chris Coons. Both are Democrats. Those numbers are down from September of last year, when […]

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Open Thread For July 14, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 14, 2017 2 Comments

Who Was the 5th Guy At That Meeting?  Yes, there was one. A counter-intelligence Russian guy. Fredon neglected to mention it. Oops he did it again. What’s that? Now it looks like there might have been six people in the meeting… Judge Rules Grandparents Not Barred Under Travel Ban.  Of course, it’s only temporary, but […]

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Senate Version of Trumpcare Leaked – Contains Ted Cruz’ “operation clusterfuck” amendment

Filed in National by on July 13, 2017 12 Comments
Senate Version of Trumpcare Leaked – Contains Ted Cruz’ “operation clusterfuck” amendment

Vox has this summary document provided by a lobbyist: The Senate Republicans’ revised health care bill will keep Obamacare’s taxes on high-income Americans in place and allow the sales of bare-bones health insurance plans that wouldn’t pass muster under the Affordable Care Act, according to a summary of the bill obtained by Vox. The bill […]

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Coons gets FBI Wray on the Record – Investigation Not a Witch Hunt

Filed in National by on July 13, 2017 5 Comments

WDEL’s Amy Cherry covered Coons questioning of FBI Director nominee Christopher Wray.

Coons, opened by stressing the unique circumstances of the appointment:

“Let us not forget why we’re having this hearing–your predecessor James Comey was not even at the half-way point of his 10-year term as FBI director when President Trump abruptly fired him without cause and without warning…so now more than ever, I believe it to be crucial that our next FBI director be prepared to be steadfastly independent,” said Coons.

It sounds like Coons did a fair job. He got Wray on record stating that the investigations into Russian interference in the election is not a “witch hunt” contrary to the views of President Dumbfuck. Read more at WDEL.

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Open Thread For July 13, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 13, 2017 5 Comments

Wilmington Ethics ‘Watchdog’ Disbanded. Nobody Noticed.  Correction: Those whose ethics were already in the sewer enabled the demise of the agency.  Purzycki’s reconstituting it. Charles Pierce On The Christopher Wray Hearing.  Brings some much-needed context to yesterday’s Kabuki Theatre. Plus, he’s always funny. US Border Officials Lying To Asylum Seekers And Turning Them Away. Hey, […]

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Donald Trump, Christian?

Filed in National by on July 12, 2017 9 Comments
Donald Trump, Christian?

If you are a Republican, you can like Trump. You are dumb, but I get it.

You can’t, however, go around thinking that he is a Christian. Not unless you are the dumbest dumbfuck in all of Christendom.

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Abortions up in Texas as Planned Parenthood Defunded

Filed in National by on July 12, 2017 2 Comments
Abortions up in Texas as Planned Parenthood Defunded

Who could have predicted it? Actually, everyone except Republicans. The truth is, they are not concerned with the number abortions. They are concerned with punishing women for having sex. If anyone happens to know a so-called “pro-life” Republican who supports sex education and family planning, let me know. I’d like to shake that unicorn’s hand.

NEW YORK ― Republicans are trying to find a way to defund Planned Parenthood as part of an overall effort to limit abortion in America. But doing so had the opposite effect in Texas, according to a new study based on research from Texas A&M University.

The study, conducted by economics professor Analisa Packham (now at Miami University), shows that in the first three years after Texas Republicans slashed the family planning budget in 2011 and shut down more than 80 women’s health clinics, the abortion rate among teenagers in the state rose 3 percent over what it would have been had the clinics remained open. After cutting Planned Parenthood out of the state’s subsidized women’s health program, then-Gov. Rick Perry (R) said his “goal” was to “ensure abortions are as rare as possible under existing law.” But the move actually interfered with an overall downward trend in abortions in Texas.

“This certainly isn’t the way to have fewer abortions,” said Dr. Diane Horvath-Cosper, an OB-GYN in Maryland and an advocate with Physicians for Reproductive Health. “The abortion rates nationally have decreased and are at a historic low. So for Texans to see an increase in adolescent abortions is really telling ― it seemed to have followed the national trend until these clinics were defunded.”

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Open Thread For July 12, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 12, 2017 10 Comments

White House & Trump Concocted Phony ‘Orphan’ Cover Story For Fredon Jr..  BTW, they lied. D’s Flip Two Legislative Seats in Oklahoma.  BTW, Okie Rethugs appear to be particularly perverted. The R state rep resigned ‘after two former legislative assistants accused him of sexual harassment’. The R state senator resigned b/c he ‘faces three felony […]

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Senate Trumpcare May Preserve ACA Taxes

Filed in National by on July 12, 2017 7 Comments
Senate Trumpcare May Preserve ACA Taxes

Because the whole point of Trumpcare is to give a huge tax break to millionaires and billionaires, this seems highly unlikely.

Nevertheless, it is a start. If McConnell’s Senate somehow comes up with a program that 1) retains the ACA tax structure, 2) continues to ensure preexisting conditions are covered in a real way, and 3) doesn’t cut or privatize medicare or medicaid – they might just get some Dems on board.

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Trump sent this G20 tweet

Filed in National by on July 12, 2017 2 Comments
Trump sent this G20 tweet

‘Make America great again’ – The Song.

Just listen to it as pictures of Trump greeting Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Narendra Modi and other world leaders fly past in a flurry of cross dissolves and zooms

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Proof? I’m Still an Impeachment Skeptic

Filed in National by on July 11, 2017 23 Comments
Proof?  I’m Still an Impeachment Skeptic

I’m a “Trump will be impeached” skeptic. for the following reasons:

1) The entire federal Government including the Supreme Court is in the hands of ideological Republican zealots,

2) At least half of the country is firmly in the “so what?” camp,

3) The Democrats, as ever, are fractured, weak-willed and pusillanimous, and

4) The 4th estate is a joke.

That said, these new revelations about Donny Jr. turn the knob in the direction of something (not impeachment, but something) happening.

Per Josh Marshall:

Donald Trump Jr. began this engagement with Rob Goldstone on the basis of this message. “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

At a minimum Don Jr. and likely (though this is as yet unproven) all high level members of the Trump team knew about this more than a year ago. Ergo, all the total and aggressive denials about Russia’s role supporting Trump, law-breaking for Trump, etc. etc were all the most total and abject lies.

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