Archive for July, 2017

Mo’ Better Democrats: RD 4

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 11, 2017 6 Comments

The Incumbent: Gerald Brady. District Registration: 9024 D; 4548 R; 4347 I. The District:  RD 4 runs from western Wilmington, including Trolley Square and the Flats west through Westover Hills, out past Chestnut Run and almost to Hockessin, with Barley Mill Road and Lancaster Pike as the northernmost boundaries and Faulkland Road as the southernmost […]

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Open Thread For July 11, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 11, 2017 14 Comments

Donnie Jr. Lied Again.  A big lie. He’s not as skilled a liar as his pop. Yet. They’re all going down. Firing of Mueller in 3-2-1? Kushner Pushed For Huge Loan From Qatar. Could this be why Trump is putting the screws to Qatar? Blatant conflicts-of-interests everywhere. 666 y’all. Rare Good News For Consumers. Federal […]

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Open Thread For July 10, 2017

Filed in National by on July 10, 2017 0 Comments

Trump ‘Brain Trust’  Met With Russian Lawyer To Get Dirt On Hillary Clinton. Trump, Jr., Manafort and Kushner. And Donnie Jr. lied about the purpose of the meeting.  Sounds like collusion to me. RussiaRussiaRussia.  They’re all going down. A Law Professor Explains It All For You. Read the entire thing. Yes, it’s wonky, but the […]

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Help Laura Sturgeon Take On Greg Lavelle

Filed in National by on July 10, 2017 34 Comments
Help Laura Sturgeon Take On Greg Lavelle

Sturgeon has launched a polished, professional campaign that I’m sure is already giving Lavelle a panic attack. That is worthy of support all on its own, but as a DEMOCRAT, I also like reading…

All strong economies have a large, vibrant middle class. Unions help the middle class, progressive taxation helps the middle class, affordable health care helps the middle class, women’s access to reproductive choices helps the middle class, and excellent public education helps the middle class. I do not support the failed trickle-down economic policies of the past, and will fight to make sure the working people of Delaware are not over-burdened by shouldering the bulk of the cost of state programs.

This was El Somanbulo’s take on Lavelle back in March:

I think Lavelle could well be vulnerable based both on anti-Trump sentiment and b/c he’s such a shill for the least desirable aspects of Rethuggery. District’s about 50-50, and there are a lot of moderate R’s. A D appeal to R women could prove effective.

It only takes a $1.00 to show you are onboard.

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Reince Priebus’ Flop Sweat

Filed in National by on July 10, 2017 0 Comments
Reince Priebus’ Flop Sweat

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus has accused Democratic operatives of arranging a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Kremlin-linked lawyer last summer, two weeks after Donald Trump won the Republican nomination for president. The meeting, which included Jared Kushner and Trump’s then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and took place at Trump Tower in […]

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Open Thread For July 9, 2017: Plain Ol’ Bulo Edition

Filed in National by on July 9, 2017 0 Comments

Chinese Chicken Coming To US Thanks To Trump. Yes, it could make you sick. One More Meeting They Didn’t Tell Us About.  RussiaRussiaRussia. Could Brits Never Brexit? Getting more possible every day. Janet Yellen:Unsung Labor Hero? Fed policies designed to get people back in labor force. Looks like it’s working. Why You Shouldn’t Let The […]

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G20: Does Donald Trump’s awkward performance indicate America’s decline as world power?

Filed in National by on July 9, 2017 0 Comments

So, what did we learn this week?

We learned Mr Trump has pressed fast forward on the decline of the US as a global leader. He managed to diminish his nation and to confuse and alienate his allies.

He will cede that power to China and Russia — two authoritarian states that will forge a very different set of rules for the 21st century.

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Open Thread for July 9th – Fox and Friends

Filed in National by on July 9, 2017 11 Comments
Open Thread for July 9th – Fox and Friends

Has anybody else watched Fox and Friends, the AM “news” show on the Fox News Channel? I just watched that idiocy for about two minutes, and a painful two minutes it was.

The doltish hosts are very aware that they are talking to the Republican President who is almost surly watching. Moreover, they are very aware that they need to flatter their doltish baby-man viewer on topics such as:

  • How great the President is.
  • How smart the President is to conclude a cyber-security agreement with Putin
  • How great the cyber-security agreement is.
  • How angry Democrats will be at being bested by the genius President, yet again.
  • How great America is thanks to the greatness of the great Republican President.
  • I’m not exaggerating. That all happened in the two minutes I had it on. North Korean state media has nothing on Fox News.

    In totally not surprising news, The Republican President doesn’t know the difference between China and Taiwan.

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    Open Thread For July 8, 2017

    Filed in National by on July 8, 2017 5 Comments

    The Cheeto Stands Alone. US isolated at G-20 summit. Richard Engel: Putin Got Everything He Could Possibly Want From Trump Meeting.   Anyone surprised? Yes, Trump Got Played. Another version. AG Routinely Slow-Walks FOIA Requests. Been going on for decades. One reason why it’s hard to have confidence in Delaware government. Gotta go. In Chi-town […]

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    Clintonite Dems, Stop killing America

    Filed in National by on July 8, 2017 38 Comments
    Clintonite Dems, Stop killing America

    I don’t dislike Clinton zealots and “centrist” Dems personally. Some of them are very nice people. Tom Carper one on one? Class guy. First rate. Mat Marshall? The best.

    What I don’t like are people wedded to a political philosophy that has such a long track record of abject failure. By luck and design we live in a two party system, and the radical modern Republican Party in America needs a legitimate counterweight. The Party of John Carney and Hillary Clinton is not that acting as that counterweight.

    If mushy, “third way”, middle of the road, compromise first and bi-partiisanship above all actually WORKED, I’d love it. Other than for the election of Bill Cinton, WHEN HAS IT EVER WORKED? Your endless appetite for appeasement is leaving Republicans to run roughshod over American norms and values that have served us well for over 240 years. Just stop it. Stop killing America.

    Dustyn Thompson and Eric Morrison wrote a guest post at Blue Delaware which deals with this topic more diplomatically than I could have.

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    WHYY’s FIRST State of Play: Delaware’s budget

    Filed in National by on July 7, 2017 15 Comments
    WHYY’s FIRST State of Play: Delaware’s budget

    El Somnambulo lands on Gov. Carney and Acting Gov Swchartzkopf from the top rope.

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    Open Thread For July 7, 2017

    Filed in Delaware, National by on July 7, 2017 2 Comments

    Could It Be…Sater?  Trump’s Russia money man is cooperating with the Feds. Sad. Astra Zeneca Selling Campus.  All the better to head for the exits, my dear. The Cuomo For President Boomlet Has Begun. Just what we need. A neo-Clintonesque presidency. Denn Joins Robocall Opponents. For all the good it will do. Whatever happened to […]

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    Open Thread for July 7th – The Ennui Edition

    Filed in National by on July 7, 2017 6 Comments
    Open Thread for July 7th – The Ennui Edition

    This budget “past” by the Democrats and signed by a “Democratic” Governor sure was a kick in the balls wasn’t it? On an implementation level it is 100% morally bankrupt. But on a strategic level it is a disaster, giving the GOP all of its malevolent cuts while leaving Democrats holding the bloody knife. There […]

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