Archive for July, 2017

Open Thread For July 6, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 6, 2017 7 Comments

Hobby Lobby Busted! For smuggling Iraqi artifacts into America. You may remember Hobby Lobby for refusing to provide contraceptive coverage b/c of the devout religious beliefs of its owners. We now know that said beliefs don’t apply to “Thou Shalt Not Steal”. Here’s Where The Artifacts Were Headed. A ‘Bible Museum’ that Hobby Lobby is […]

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Delaware finally has a budget. Now let’s consolidate the schools

Filed in Delaware, Education by on July 5, 2017 5 Comments

Saving money isn’t the only reason consolidating Delaware’s 19 school districts makes sense.

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Can Delaware Liberals theoretically raise $50,000 for a primary challenger to John Carney?

Filed in National by on July 5, 2017 18 Comments
Can Delaware Liberals theoretically raise  $50,000 for a primary challenger to John Carney?

It is a simple question. Based his track record so far, can we get 100 Delaware liberals and progressives to pledge $500.00 each? Money talks.

I’m in, so the goal is now 99 Delaware liberals and progressives on the record pledging $500.00 each to signal their disgust with this travesty of a budget and the terrible “leadership” that foisted it on this state.

Say yes or no in the comments, and if we get to $50,000 in pledges we’ll go on to phase 2 – setting up a fundraising page and start turning those pledges into real money thereby giving some qualified candidate a running start at challenging Carney.

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Open Thread For July 5, 2017

Filed in National by on July 5, 2017 5 Comments

Obamacare ‘Working As Intended’. The source? Department of Health & Human Services. Neither Trump nor Tom Price will be pleased. Head Of Phony Voter Fraud Commission Sued For Hatch Act Violation.  This Kris Kobach guy thinks he can get away with it.  Once Trump packs the courts, he likely will. Blatant Conflict-of-Interest Between Rethugs and […]

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Nicole Poore Rides The Gravy Train At Public’s Expense

Filed in Delaware by on July 4, 2017 11 Comments

Been poring through the Budget and Grants-In-Aid bills.  My, uh, patriotic duty. There’s a category under Grants-In-Aid entitled ‘Disabled/Health/Labor’.  Total appropriations under this line are $2,890,641.  That’s for 40 agencies, if my count is correct. One agency’s take dwarfed what any other agency got.  Wanna guess? That’s right. Direct from the Grants-In-Aid bill: Jobs For […]

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Open Thread For July 4, 2017

Filed in National by on July 4, 2017 2 Comments

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Likely To Retire. Say goodbye to the courts.  One more spike through the heart of democracy. Turns Out That Sanders ‘Scandal’ Was Bullshit.  Toensing? Toensing? Where have I heard that name before? Oh, yes, Clinton haters Victoria Toensing is his mother and Joe DiGenova is his stepfather. A scum family. […]

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White House Poised to Really Fuck Shit Up

Filed in National by on July 3, 2017 13 Comments
White House Poised to Really Fuck Shit Up

Kellyanne Conway has confirmed that the White House is willing to repeal the ACA without a replacement in place. I’m no economist, but I am a dyed in the wool capitalist, and this plan smells like a recipie for economic disaster.

And yet, this should not come as a surprise to anyone. Remember that fucking shit up is what Republicans believe they were elected to do.

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Tim Dukes is an idiot

Filed in National by on July 3, 2017 7 Comments
Tim Dukes is an idiot


Far be it for me to crap on someone who doesn’t know the difference between “past” and “passed” they probably don’t spend too much time on book learnin’ where Dukes went to school. And lord knows I’ve made my fair share of typos.

Just read past beyond that and drink in the stupidity and see how happy Gov Carney has made the “all taxes (other than taxes on poor people) are evil crowd”.

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BREAKING: Delaware Will Not Turn Over Voter Information…

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 3, 2017 20 Comments

…to Donald Trump’s phony voter fraud commission, which is itself the only fraud being perpetrated here: I really liked Jeff Bullock’s response: “Delaware has a long history of running fair and efficient elections open to all qualified voters. We should not be a part of any effort to turn back the clock on the progress […]

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Bennett Screwed Up – Carney Set the Table

Filed in National by on July 3, 2017 4 Comments
Bennett Screwed Up – Carney Set the Table

I was wrong about Bennett. Her excuse for voting against the budget on Friday was so lame that I thought is was cover for something. Turns out, she was simply rolled by some conservatives. (Well played defenders of the 1%. You found the weak link.) But Bennett is a symptom, not the disease. A: “Government […]

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Open Thread For July 3, 2017

Filed in National by on July 3, 2017 1 Comment

Christie Shuts Down Jersey Beaches, Enjoys Beach All By Himself.  Happy 4th of July, Jerseyites! Reminds me of a joke that Pat Williams made when the 76’ers drafted Charles Barkley: ‘Daddy, can I go into the ocean?’  ‘I’m sorry, son, Charles is using it.’ Trump’s Latest.  This guy is the President of the United States. […]

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Utterly Pathetic.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 3, 2017 9 Comments

Congratulations, Andria. You now have a budget w/o income tax increases, even on Delaware’s wealthiest.  Please leave. Yes, the General Assembly has a budget, another smoke and mirrors kick the can down the road budget. A combination of sin tax increases and realty transfer tax increases.  Personal income taxes couldn’t be considered b/c Bennett’s no […]

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Breaking: JFC Restores Grants-In-Aid Funding

Filed in Delaware by on July 2, 2017 5 Comments

Well, 80% of that funding, according to WDEL.  They couldn’t have done that if they didn’t have good reason to believe that some sort of deal has been struck. Meaning that, at least as far as grants-in-aid are concerned, some sort of deal has been struck.

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