Archive for July, 2017

Chamber of Commerce DINO Dems want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

Filed in National by on July 2, 2017 1 Comment

This post if fairly typical of the battered wife mindset of “centrist” chamber of commerce Dems.

It is all “hoist up the white flag, we’ve lost” before the battle is even joined.

Del Dem says, “Andria Bennett has given the Republicans all the leverage.”

How does he figure when Dems hold a super majority in the house? I’m not saying Bennett made her play in order to make the Acting Gov come back to the table with more Rev, but why not take the opportunity?

Bennet’s vote seems very gettable in that with some minor amendments. As the post notes, Bennett was one of six Democrats who voted against the budget in 2015 BECAUSE it did not do enough to raise new revenues.

The only possible reason not to go with HB 107 and a package that brings more revue, and less draconian cuts is that the Acting Gov, some chamber of Commerce DINO’s, and the figure head Gov might peel off back the the GOP side.

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Open Thread For July 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 2, 2017 0 Comments

Pope Ousts Leading Conservative Ideologue From Top Vatican Position.  He’s kinda like a reverse Trump. What’s Showing Up At Your Fave Grocery Store. After all, sriracha is so 2016.  Looks like Korean is in. Also chocolate covered chickpeas and lotsa other weird stuff. Learn to pronounce gochujang. American Taliban-Science Edition. Oh, There’s Also This. Plus […]

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Acting Gov Pete Must Bring HB 107 to the House Floor

Filed in National by on July 2, 2017 5 Comments

Whatever happens today, it should include a vote on HB 107:

This bill creates two new tax brackets at $125,000 with a rate of 7.10%, and $250,000 with a rate of 7.85%. Also, the bill provides a tiered reduction of the otherwise available itemized deduction based upon the individual’s taxable income.

Bring up up with HB 101 (Grant-in-aid). Andria Bennett has given the Democrats a great opportunity to expose the Republicans for the scoundrels that they are. The problem is that Acting Gov Pete has played the bigger scoundrel so far.

Multiple sources have painted a picture of Acting Gov Pete’s heavy handed treatment of the Dem’s in the closing hours of Friday’s session. His bullying style, his unwillingness to entertain any ideas that did not come from his own head are hall marks of terrible leadership. It is time the Acting Gov takes another approach and backs away from his Republican allies and take a more Democratic stance regarding the mix of revenues and cuts required to balance the budget.

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Comment Rescue – John Kowalko

Filed in National by on July 1, 2017 6 Comments
Comment Rescue – John Kowalko

Some of yesterday’s House activity needs further explanation and clarification. There have been excuses made, and aspersions cast. I will not attempt to justify or excuse the failures of the entire General Assembly, its leadership and the Governor throughout this self-created crisis. However, I do think that the public and all Delawareans deserve to be […]

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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: June, 2017

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 1, 2017 2 Comments

Thought a set of great and incredibly diverse new music would tide everybody over until Sunday’s Special Legislative session. Bad month for politics, great bleeping month for music. Something for everybody, even for Resident Curmudgeon Jason330. Find your faves:   This is a previously-unreleased track from OK Computer.  Pretty damn great: Time to segue on […]

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Open Thread For July 1, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 1, 2017 5 Comments

UK Cyber Expert Tells How He Was Drawn Into the Hillary E-Mail Hacks By Peter Smith.  Shit’s real, folks, and Smith is only one degree away from collusion with the Trump campaign.  Flynn, Bannon, and Conway.  Wanna bet that they placed ethics and morality above political expediency? Me neither. Oh, and speaking of those Delaware […]

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Andria Bennett Scotches Budget Vote

Filed in National by on July 1, 2017 31 Comments
Andria Bennett Scotches Budget Vote

In addition to giving away too much too early, Carney and Acting Gov Pete lost Dem Andria Bennett, ostensibly over mortgage interest deductibility: From the News Journal: “House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst, the bill’s sponsor, amended it eliminate tax increases for lower-income folks and hike taxes further on the wealthy. That was apparently a move […]

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With Nothing Left to Trade Away, Continuing Resolution

Filed in National by on July 1, 2017 5 Comments

It still appears that Carney and Acting Governor Schwarzkopf gave too much to quickly to Republicans, leaving themselves with no arrows in the quill at crunch time. This statement from Governor Carney was released early Saturday: I’m deeply disappointed that the General Assembly has failed to reach an agreement to pass a balanced budget, and […]

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