That’s one of only two possibilities. Neither of which paints her stewardship of this worthless organization in a positive light.
This rundown of JDG’s 501(c)(3) returns raises an obvious question. Which one of these is not like the others?:
(Cue music).
OK, you’re probably saying, El Som, you’ve lost me. You were lost but now you’re found. That list of dollar amounts reflects the ‘Executive Compensation’ line for Jobs For Delaware Graduates from FY 2011 to FY 2016.
Nicole got the job as Executive Director of JDG in 2014, during the 2015 Fiscal Year.
Meaning that FY 2016 was the first year that she could have any impact on the remuneration for her position. In that first year, the executive compensation figure jumped from $110,610 to $202,635.
There are only two possibilities: (a) She virtually doubled her salary; or (b) she had to bring someone on to do the job she’s supposed to be doing. Either way, it’s a waste of taxpayers’ money. Oh, which reminds me.
Check out those 501(c)(3) returns again. Do you see a line for what the state paid anywhere? No. This annual rip-off of taxpayer $$’s falls under the heading of ‘contributions’. In case you’ve forgotten, you contributed an obscene amount of money to this program again this year. Over $1.1 mill for Pete DuPont’s vanity project. And Nicole Poore’s gravy train. Gee, maybe future auditor Kathy McGuiness will investigate this. Insert laugh track here.