Trump-McConnell Feud Escalates. McConnell now questions Trump’s competence. The big news?: Trump screamed at McConnell for failing to kill Senate Russian investigations.
Trump Threatens Government Shutdown If Wall Isn’t Approved. Also predicts that NAFTA negotiations will fail. He’s singlehandedly facilitating a stock market drop.
Exxon Knew All About Climate Change. Lied About It. When Exxon dared people to read all of the relevant documents, they must not have thought that someone would do just that.
Russian ‘Bots’ Pushing Right Wing Propaganda. A world with which I am not familiar. Trump’s drool-bib brigade doesn’t know the difference, doesn’t care.
How Taser International Skates On Taser Deaths. Hint: It’s in the fine print.
Zinke To Sell National Monuments Down The River? We’ll find out tomorrow. If the answer is yes, litigation will follow.
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