Delaware Liberal

Open Thread For September 21, 2017

Manafort Offered Insider Election Info To Russian Oligarch. Read that headline again. Trump’s campaign manager offered private election briefings to a Russian oligarch. Two weeks before the convention. For a price, of course. Speaking of which…

Report: 32 Million To Lose Health Care Under Graham-Cassidy.  BTW, I’ll say it again. Lindsay Graham is perhaps the biggest phony in Washington. Portrays himself as a voice of reason, and votes for the really bad stuff every single time.  Says that this bill is the only remaining option to forestall socialized medicine in the US.

Voter Fraud Discovered!  Trump’s nominee to a trade post lived in Maryland, voted in Virginia, his previous home,  b/c it was the ‘more competitive’ state.

Russians Pushed Trump Rallies On Facebook.  Is there any way to invalidate an election?  I’m close to the point of thinking that this one was stolen.

Mark Zuckerberg And Fake News.  How (arguably) the best of intentions can go horribly wrong.

Tillerson Worst SOS Ever? ‘He took the job and made it smaller.’

What do you want to talk about?


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