Delaware Liberal

Open Thread For September 27, 2017

Delaware Among Nation’s Leaders IN STD’s.  This article is a mess, BTW. While it may not be a surprise that rates are rising, the article doesn’t answer the question: Why are rates rising in Delaware more rapidly? And then there’s this:

This fall, the state’s Division of Public Health plans to ramp up its sexually transmitted infections lab, partly by outsourcing its newborn baby screenings to a private company.

In other words, funding for our lab is insufficient, so we’ll pay more to outsource this public health problem. Good job, Carny.

Acting DEA Head Resigns, Citing Trump’s Lack Of Commitment To Rule Of Law.  Served both Bush and Obama. Wants nothing to do with Trump.

Puerto Rico Being Treated Like A Colony.  This is unconscionable.  Hey, it’s a ‘very big ocean’.

An Example Of Trump’s Inhumanity Towards Puerto Rico.  Denies request to waive outdated shipping requirement. Would have brought desperately needed supplies to PR quicker.  Granted waivers for both Harvey and Irma.

How Bankruptcy System Disproportionately Screws Black Debtors.  And, yes, paternalistic southern lawyers are among the villains. Great reporting from Pro Publica and The Atlantic.

 How Monsanto Sowed The (Genetically-Modified) Seeds Of A Permanent Grain Glut.  Intriguing article. Feed your head.

What do you want to talk about?


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