Delaware Liberal

Open Thread For October 6, 2017

Obamacare Rates To Rise 25% In Delaware. Less than Highmark had requested.  This is what Trump’s sabotaging of Obamacare looks like. Here’s one exampleHere’s another.  I mean, Iowa and Oklahoma. Not exactly D strongholds.

Wilmington Eastside Project Seeks To Create Arts Habitat.  I’m cautiously optimistic. Anything Tina Betz takes on has a chance of success.  I wish she’d run for office.

Callistra Gingrich Confirmed As US Ambassador To The Vatican. Trump’s ‘fuck-you’ to the Pope.

FEMA Pulls Disastrous Puerto Rico Stats From Website.  Didn’t want anybody to see how many people lack water and electricity.  Thankfully, a Spanish language website reports real news.

Anti-Nuclear Campaign Wins Nobel Peace Prize. The group, International Campaign To Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Ican), seeks “to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons”.

Why ‘Tax Reform’ Is In Trouble.  It’s a Rethug Rubik’s Cube.

The ‘Rules’ Of Debating Gun Control.  The rules, of course, are phony, and limit the scope of debating gun policy. Interesting read from The Atlantic.


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