Representative Williams has been urged by voters, Democratic Committee members, and elected officials throughout the state to bring his experience and qualifications to the position of State Auditor. Dennis has had a career that makes him uniquely qualified for this position.
Raise your hand if you believe anything in that last paragraph. Didn’t think so.
Anyway, for the masochists out there, here is the entire press release. I’ve highlighted the most ridiculous parts of it, although YMMV:
Former State Representative Dennis E Willliams announced this morning that he will be seeking the office of Delaware State Auditor of Accounts in the November 2018 election. Williams established a Statement of Organization with the Delaware Department of Elections for the committee ‘Williams for Auditor’ earlier today.
Representative Williams has been urged by voters, Democratic Committee members, and elected officials throughout the state to bring his experience and qualifications to the position of State Auditor. Dennis has had a career that makes him uniquely qualified for this position.
Representative Williams has over 30 years of experience in business, government, and non-profit accounting, finance, and management. He is currently the Chief Financial Officer of a major research library and archive. Dennis is a lifelong Delawarean, a graduate of Concord High School and the University of Delaware, where he earned degrees in Accounting and Financial Management. Dennis also earned a Master’s Degree from the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton/Engineering).
Representative Williams applied his knowledge and experience to his work as a member of the General Assembly’s Joint Capital Infrastructure Budget Committee, helping to maintain and bring new jobs to the state. He fought for more transparency, accountability, and efficiency from state departments (uh, who, what, when, where, and how, Dennis?) that came before that committee and will bring that fight to the rest of state government. In announcing this campaign, Dennis said “My goal is to focus on modernization and best practices, to eliminate the waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars, and to ensure that taxpayer dollars are being spent more efficiently and effectively, so we can invest in education, public safety, and the many non-profits that do so much for our communities and our state.”
Political babble is among the most unreadable babble there is. Let’s be frank here. Dennis E. Williams is one of those people who has to run every election cycle for something. It’s something in his psyche, and I’m not skilled enough in psychobabble to explain or understand why. He didn’t even come close to regaining his rep seat from Sean Matthews last time, and those voters were the people who know him best. He probably sees what happened with KWS and KHN and figures, ‘Hey, might as well go for it, I’m just like them’. Unsuited to serve the public but dogged enough to luck into elective office if the right set of bizarre circumstances comes to fruition. Which is how he got elected to the General Assembly in the first place. Too bad Obama’s not at the head of the ticket this time.