Open Thread For October 13, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on October 13, 2017

Trump Aims To Kill Obamacare.  He might as well be Putin, the way he’s sowing chaos in this country. What he did yesterday defines the term ‘sowing chaos’. Oh, and finding a way to pay for his tax cuts for the filthy rich:

President Trump will scrap subsidies to health insurance companies that help pay out-of-pocket costs of low-income people, the White House said late Thursday. His plans were disclosed hours after the president ordered potentially sweeping changes in the nation’s insurance system, including sales of cheaper policies with fewer benefits and fewer protections for consumers.

Oh, And Today? Trump’s Iran Decision.  May not be as bad as advertised.

WDEL On Their Successful FOIA Of Karen Hartley-Nagle.  KHN gives a ‘dog ate my homework’ excuse. Can’t wait to see what’s in the e-mails.

Dianne Feinstein Draws Progressive Challenger. At least one, maybe more. We can do the same thing here. Eugene, where are you?

Susan Collins Staying Put. In the Senate, not running for Maine governorship.

How Stephen Miller Successfully Pushed Anti-Immigrant Policy.  It was easy in a dysfunctional White House and a skilled true believer. He looks like Putin’s doppelganger.

How Facebook Changed American Elections.  We should have seen it coming.

 What do you want to talk about?

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  1. alby says:

    Here’s a story that might disabuse people of the idea that the unicorns known as the “reasonable Republicans” exist:

  2. mediawatch says:

    I’m somewhat surprised that Dealin’ Don hasn’t proposed selling Puerto Rico to Cuba for a couple hundred boxes of cigars and a thousand barrels of rum. He could proclaim it s win-win: We get to party while Cuba picks up the tab for disaster relief and rebuild.

  3. alby says:

    @MW: He doesn’t realize it’s a US territory. He thinks it’s another country already.

  4. Liberal Elite says:

    The irony is that if Puerto Rico isn’t fixed properly, then millions of them will come to the US mainland. That will likely change the politics in Florida and other places, when they start voting…

    And Trump can’t build a wall to keep them out…. They’re all US citizens.

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    Oh. And let’s all welcome back fake health insurance plans and the scoundrels who sell them.

  6. meatball says:

    What makes you think Puerto Ricans will even vote let alone vote for Democrats. The current governor is hardly a democrat.

  7. Liberal Elite says:

    @m “What makes you think Puerto Ricans will even vote let alone vote for Democrats.”

    1. They do vote at home, and in comparable numbers to other American minorities. How do you think the governor got elected?

    2. And think about why the GOP is and has been so opposed to letting PR become a state. You don’t see that sort of resistance from leading Democrats.

  8. meatball says:

    Republicans are opposed to everything like gay marriage just like the majority of Puerto Ricans.

  9. jason330 says:

    That’s the bar for being a Republican? Gay sex is okay at your annual industry conference, but no gay marriage. Got it.

  10. Liberal Elite says:

    Puerto Ricans cannot be blind to how they’ve been treated by the GOP.

    That has got to be more important than trumped up social issues.

  11. jason330 says:

    LE – I’d say that these guys are whistling past the graveyard, but Democrats haven’t demonstrated any ability to hold Republicans accountable for any of their myriad screws ups or planned malfeasance.

  12. meatball says:

    That’s all democrats got is social issues, and Purto Ricans who are living on the island now are generally socially conservative. Don’t shoot the messenger.