Delaware Liberal

Open Thread for Thursday Oct. 26, 2017

You don’t need ESP to sense there’s a much deeper story here. Kathleen Davies, Tom Wagner’s chief administrative auditor, has been on administrative leave for more than a year. Now she has created a campaign finance committee and says she will run against her boss as an unaffiliated candidate. 
The good news: A majority of white Americans agrees we have racial discrimination in this country. The bad news: They think it’s against them. Funny thing, though — fewer than 1 in 5 whites claim to have actually experienced this discrimination that they’re sure exists. That friend of a friend sure must have a lot of friends.
To nobody’s surprise, Trump’s data guy tried to team up  with Julian Assange to fight Hillary, Scourge of America. When those emails finally turn up, what do you want to bet they’re as interesting as Al Capone’s vault?
This is an tantalizing window into how Trump’s data people pulled off the impossible. If you’re infuriated, remember that if Hillary had used Cambridge Analytica to engineer a win this way we’d be praising her genius. That’s what we did when Obama used then state-of-the-art data to target voters. The only part that’s illegal is Russia’s involvement. 
Republicans in Congress are following the health-care game plan on the tax cut for the rich, hiding the details to avoid criticism ahead of the vote. But word gets around, and Slate reports that members of the House have been circulating a plan to lower the cap on annual 401K contributions to just $2400 a year.
The biggest obstacle to Congress passing anything, anything at all, remains Trumpelstiltskin (he spins gold into straw, which he then sets on fire. The latest example: He won’t OK the bipartisan health care patch that he takes credit for.
It’s nice that two Republican senators have criticized Trump, but as Our Leader pointed out yesterday, that’s worth nothing if they don’t vote against him. Meanwhile Steve Bannon vs. the erstwhile GOP establishment looks like the biggest rout since First Manassas.
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