Delaware Liberal

Open Thread for Friday, October 27, 2017

Sorry for the delayed open thread. Three reasons: 1) I’m still figuring out how to code this, 2) my gout is acting up and 3) I got sidetracked by a clip of Idina Menzel singing “Defying Gravity,” which, yes, throws my heterosexuality into doubt.

It’s also a very slow news day, as evidenced by the appearance of the word “Kardashian” in my news feed. Say what you will about Trump, at least he’s held the Kardashians at bay in the media. That’s no small feat.

That no-bid contract to restore power in Puerto Rico is even worse that it looked at first — it forbids auditing. Let’s see how many elected officials call for an immediate investigation of this incredibly obvious example of corruption. This, not whatever President Orange Crush tweeted lately, is what a responsible media would be trumpeting to the public.

What was billed as Trump’s major address about the opioid crisis turned out to be a rerun of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” program. Trump doesn’t look as good in a red dress.

Fox News is not thriving in the Age of Trump. Unlike their rivals, Fox’s ad revenue is down while MSNBC’s is up and CNN held about even. Laura Ingraham should fix that right up.

I love me some Eugene Robinson, but he is a creature of Washington. Here he advises Democrats to stress “opportunity” as often as possible. Uh, Gino — didn’t the last Democratic candidate stress that? Young people aren’t falling for that dodge anymore. They can count. Opportunity for all equals success for very few. It’s a feature, not a bug, of capitalism, and it’s why young people aren’t all that thrilled with capitalism.

I admit I’m not fan of technology, but this bowled me over: The iPhone has an ultrasound features that a surgeon used to diagnose his own cancer. Let’s see your landline do that.

Have at it.

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