Delaware Liberal

The week Trump solidified his grip on the GOP

Cu_MXJpt_VUAARROc_1This week rumors flew about Mueller getting down to business and handing down an indictment. It is also the week that Trump formally consolidated his grip on the GOP. The normally horrible David Brooks does a decent job breaking it down in the NYT.

The Republican senators greeted Trump on Capitol Hill and saw a president so repetitive and rambling, some thought he might be suffering from early Alzheimer’s. But they know which way the wind is blowing. They gave him a standing ovation.

Even Alexander Kerensky didn’t abase himself so humiliatingly.

The people who oppose Trump make a big error: “Let’s Get Togetherism.” This is the belief that if we can only have a civil conversation between red and blue, then everything will be better. But you can’t destroy a moral vision with a process. You need a counter-moral vision.

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