Archive for October, 2017

Rep. Trey Paradee To Seek Brian Bushweller’s Senate Seat

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 7, 2017 3 Comments

And, while I’m not his biggest fan, he probably represents a little bit of a progressive upgrade over Bushweller. He at least strongly supports a minimum wage increase.  According to this Delaware State News article, Kent County Levy Court Commissioner Allan Angel is also considering the race. The 17th Senatorial District currently has 16060 D’s; […]

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Open Thread For October 7, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on October 7, 2017 2 Comments

Trump Rolls Back Protections For Contraceptive Coverage Because He Can. Or thinks he can.  It’s headed to court. If the Rethugs ever get control of the courts, this country’s done. Really Good Progressive To Retire. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter of New Hampshire.  BTW, here’s why the national party sucks: She’d never been a favorite of national […]

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Open Thread For October 6, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on October 6, 2017 13 Comments

Obamacare Rates To Rise 25% In Delaware. Less than Highmark had requested.  This is what Trump’s sabotaging of Obamacare looks like. Here’s one example.  Here’s another.  I mean, Iowa and Oklahoma. Not exactly D strongholds. Wilmington Eastside Project Seeks To Create Arts Habitat.  I’m cautiously optimistic. Anything Tina Betz takes on has a chance of […]

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Open Thread For October 5, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on October 5, 2017 3 Comments

‘Thoughts And Prayers’ From Top Congressional Recipients Of NRA Contributions.  All, of course, are Rethugs. Hypocrites all.  Delaware Pastors Call Out The Delaware Way.  They’re right, of course. Why is Carney slow-walking the Gilliam Johnson nomination?  That entire mess stinks so much of the Delaware Way. Primary stench coming from Tony DeLuca and Nicole Poore, […]

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A closer look at Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore

Filed in National by on October 5, 2017 9 Comments
A closer look at Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore

Two-time former Chief Justice of the Alabama State Supreme Court Roy Moore, the confirmed “birther” and believer of inane right-wing conspiracies, is running to become the Alabama’s next senator despite his lawless actions that twice forced him from his elected offices.  And he very well may win.  He won the GOP primary and is favored in the general election.  But let’s be clear: It is insane for any American (Republican, Democrat, Other) to support Roy Moore, a man whose derelictions of judicial duty due to his refusal to accept the Constitution – and not the Bible – as the supreme law of the land twice resulted in his vacating a position entrusted to him by the people of Alabama, for the United States Senate.

Moore’s disdain for man-made law is not a quirk.  He is running on his contempt for man made law.

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DL Wants YOU!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 4, 2017 7 Comments

That’s right. We are looking for one or two people to join us. Maybe even more if you make us an offer we can’t refuse. In particular, we are looking for someone to bring their special spin to our Daily Open Threads. You can develop the format any way you want, and you can highlight […]

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The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre calls on Congress to pass a law requiring armed Music Festival Patrons

Filed in National by on October 4, 2017 5 Comments
The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre calls on Congress to pass a law requiring armed Music Festival Patrons

Note: These are the actual words of LaPierre on December 15th, the day after the Newtown Connecticut shootings where 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members. I’ve lightly edited the original sickening statement, and changed references from schools to music festivals, and changed an “us” reference (meaning the NRA) to Second Amendment enthusiasts.

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Open Thread For October 4, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on October 4, 2017 8 Comments

Most Deranged Trump Performance Ever.  That Puerto Rican appearance was terrifying. All he cared about was claiming that he got ‘high marks’ for the great job he’s done.  Gives out flashlights that he claims people won’t need b/c the power is back on, which it’s not. Throws out paper towels as if they’re Mardi Gras […]

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Open Thread For October 3, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on October 3, 2017 4 Comments

477 Days. 521 Mass Shootings. No Action From Congress. NY Times must-read editorial. Speaking Of Which…House Seeks To Pass Gun Silencer Bill. Because preserving the hearing of mass murderers is more important than stopping killings by mass murderers. They might delay the vote for a couple of days…out of respect. The Report That Puts The […]

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Mike Purzycki Is a Racist

Filed in National by on October 3, 2017 26 Comments

By RE Vanella

I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts, and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my own failure in everyday life.

–George Orwell, ‘Why I Write’

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Facing 10 years In prison, Pettyjohn cuts deal in Maryland gun case

Filed in National by on October 2, 2017 10 Comments
Facing 10 years In prison, Pettyjohn cuts deal in Maryland gun case

Wherein we learn once again, that when a white guy tries to get on a plane with a gun it is just an “honest mistake”. Sen. Brian Pettyjohn, R-Georgetown, facing felony gun charges for having a handgun in a carry-on bag while trying to board an airplane, reached a deal Sept. 29 in Maryland. Specifics on […]

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Open Thread For October 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on October 2, 2017 3 Comments

Trump: Tillerson ‘Wasting His Time’ Negotiating With ‘Bullet Man’. This man is dangerous, and this is basically his declaration of war. He needs to be removed from office. Seriously. Trump Dedicates Golf Trophy To Hurricane Victims. Yes, he spent his Sunday at a golf tournament exercising ‘strong leadership’ on behalf of victims. Ex-Wilmington Trust Execs […]

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50 Killed, 200 Wounded in Most Recent Mass Shooting

Filed in National by on October 2, 2017 13 Comments
50 Killed, 200 Wounded in Most Recent Mass Shooting

What is there to say? Terrible. Horrible. But Americans… even murderous Americans…need easy access to guns and ammo, because otherwise tyranny. On and on.

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