Archive for October, 2017

Open Thread for Sunday October 1st – The Vanished Center

Filed in National by on October 1, 2017 5 Comments
Open Thread for Sunday October 1st – The Vanished Center

Two reading from the Book of “We are really in the shit now”. One from Steve Newton via FB, and one from William Butler Yeats.

As for me… While I am one to rage against the “center” as it is thought of nowadays. I understand the utility of “the center” as George Washington might have thought about it. In that I get that the secret to maintaining a Democracy is creating a system in which the losers can lose with dignity. A system that allows the runner up think, “Well… we lost, but the system is fair, so we’ll get ’em next time.” The idea of a “center” is good for maintaining that fantasy.

We once had that. We don’t anymore, so I guess we are pretty well fucked.

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With the GOP it is all about kicking “niggers” and non-whites all the time: Part 2

Filed in National by on October 1, 2017 0 Comments
With the GOP it is all about kicking “niggers”  and non-whites all the time: Part 2

Josh Marshall hits it squarely. As I’ve read and reread these hideous three tweets, I’ve realized they are not just a disgrace but something like a primary text of Trumpism. Everything is there. “The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that […]

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