Delaware Liberal

Open Thread for Thursday, November 2, 2017

Oh, that pesky tax reform plan, always getting yelled at. Now some Republicans are upset because — brace yourself — they’re worried it will be portrayed as helping the rich while hurting the poor. Given that the lowest tax rate, applied to the lowest earners, would rise from 10% to 12%, you can see where the scheming media might get the moonbat idea to portray it that way. But the Forces of Falsehood intend to fight back with a $10 million ad campaign, bankrolled by Sheldon Adelson, aimed at convincing middle class households that their $1,200 savings (amount not guaranteed) makes them the real winners.

Public outcry can actually produce results. Exhibit A: Theo Gregory has withdrawn his request for another $35,000 for his student advocacy program.

An important story that’s getting almost no attention is the tunnel collapse that killed a reported 200 workers at North Korea’s nuclear testing facility, apparently in early September. News of this broke Wednesday in Japan, meaning Tuesday night here, but most of the media are too busy hyperventilating over Trump to connect the dots: This could interrupt the country’s nuclear program for many years.

Some things you can’t make up: When Steve Bannon was still in the White House, he met one-on-one with AFT union president Randi Weingarten, apparently as part of his desire to realign the political parties, she says. The Intercept has the surreal story.

Speaking of education, Politico has a long piece on Education Secretary Betsy De Vos and her frustration at the limitations of the position. Many education insiders seem to think she’s going to throw in the towel in the not-so-distant future.

Paul Manafort, we now know, spent money like a drunken sailor who hit the lottery and had only days to live. Even among the tens of millions, though, $1.4 million on his wardrobe stood out. It’s impossible to spend that much unless you’re filling a warehouse, I thought. Consider this what I learned today: it’s not impossible at all, as explained by the Hollywood Reporter.

Chef Jose Andres has been a top-flight chef/restaurateur and culinary celebrity for years, but he’s being called a saint for the work he’s done feeding Puerto Ricans in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Combining his kitchen-organization skills with his disrespect for red tape has proved a potent recipe: He has fed fed over 2 million people since the storm, more than any international relief organization — and with better food. There’s even talk of a Nobel Peace Prize.

Any time you think things can’t get any worse, remember that if Trump had not won the nomination, somebody like Rick Perry could be president today. So what? Read his brilliant reasoning behind bringing electricity to Third World countries and weep.

Have at it, and add anything else you find interesting.

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