Delaware Liberal

This Is What Fascism Looks Like

Remember the woman who got 15 seconds of fame last week when she flipped off the presidential motorcade? There’s a coda to her story.

Her name is Juli Briskman. She told HuffPo that her employer, government contractor Akima LLC, wasn’t pleased about the attention the photo attracted, so they fired her.

They told her that because Akima was a government contractor, the photo could hurt their business. “They said you cannot have ‘lewd’ or ‘obscene’ things in your social media. So they were calling flipping him off ‘obscene.’” She also said that a male colleague kept his job after recently posting on his Facebook page that someone was “a fucking Libtard asshole,” but was allowed to delete the post and keep his job.

To clarify, calling someone a libtard is OK with Der Pumpkinfuhrer, so a government contractor will let you say it. Criticize him, even with a single digit, and you’re shunned.

That’s how Fascism works.

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