Delaware Liberal

Open Thread Nov. 13: Joe, the Port and Smash That Keurig

Joe Fever is sweeping the nation — well, the part of the nation where Delaware is situated — as everyone speculates on whether he will run for president again in 2020. The signals so far are mixed, which is exactly the right tone to set on his book tour, because the speculation equals publicity. So will he or won’t he? Axios helps sort it out by putting all his waffles on a single plate.

More important, but less talked about, is the bipartisan plan — from which the public has been excluded — to trash the state’s Coastal Zone Act in service of further developinging the Port of Wilmington. A report in the News Journal makes clear that state officials have swallowed a bunch of nebulous promises faster than Joey Chestnut at a hot dog eating contest.

Having Donald Trump halfway around the world has had one wonderful effect: It’s much harder for him to dominate every news cycle. So even though he has made a groveling, craven ass of himself, we’ve read relatively litte about it. Alas, the trip is almost over now, and Digby hits the highlights.

Sean Hannity has finally found an intellectual equal to fight: The Keurig coffee machine. Keurig is one of the five companies that pulled its ads from Hannity’s show, so Hannity called for his viewers to boycott the company. Many of those viewers proceeded to prove that nobody can tell them what to do by doing exactly what Hannity told them to do, so you can now find videos of half-wit skinheads destroying a product they presumably purchased with their own hard-earned money. His fight is getting lots of support from lots of Russian bots, though. The ironic thing is that smashing Keurig machines is exactly what dirty-hippie environmentalists want everyone to do. The stupidity of conservatives is a well that, though polluted, will never run out of water.

Philly Daily News columnist Will Bunch has written one for the time capsule: He claims the current sexual harassment outrages constitute an unexpected revolt against the patriarchy that nobody saw coming.

Here’s a new name to add to the #Metoo pervert parade: conservative shitstain James Woods. Actress Elizabeth Perkins participated in the Hollywood march protesting sexual harassment and intimidation of women while holding a sign with Woods’ name on it.

Will all this change when women gain more power? Here’s a sign: Gal Gadot, the actress now famous as Wonder Woman, told Warner Brothers she won’t play the role again unless and until Brett Ratner, one of the most frequently cited harassers, is deep-sixed from the franchise.

Chip in anything you find interesting.

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