Open Thread Nov. 14: Trump, Moore and the Keurig War
The news bombs are dropping fast and furious on both the Roy Moore and Russian collusion fronts.
The Atlantic rocked the Russian collusion story by printing the secret email correspondence between Fredo Don Jr.and Johnny Ola Wikileaks. Trump is fighting back by, um, trumping up some charges, any charges, against Hillary Clinton, and Jeff Sessions might be bidding to save his job by considering a special counsel to look into the Clinton Foundation and the Russian uranium deal.
Moore, meanwhile, continues to lose support among Republican senators. Others are talking about expelling Moore from the Senate should he win. As Lindsay Graham put it, “Even if he wins, he loses.” His fate apparently will be decided by the Alabama GOP at a meeting later this week.
Plenty of other stuff going on, too. That totally unqualified federal judicial candidate who got approved by the Judiciary Committee on a party-line vote? Turns out his wife works at the Trump White House, a little detail he forgot to mention to the committee.
The Hannity-Keurig War continued, with Keurig apparently accepting a truce from the Fox News forces. As of last night, most observers were saying Keurig caved like a cheap plastic container.
Barbara Ehrenreich, author of “Nickel and Dimed,” weighed in on the sexual harassment discussion by tweeting, “Our current sex harassment discussion is woefully class-skewed. Too much about actresses and not enough about hotel housekeepers.” Slate got Ehrenreich to expand on that in a sobering interview.
Though federal funds have long flowed from blue states to red states, current tax reform proposals take special aim at blue-state taxpayers. This piece lays out some of the gruesome details
One of the mistaken beliefs of climate-science deniers is that increased atmospheric CO2 is good for plant life. Research has found otherwise: higher levels lead to less nutritious grains and vegetables.
There is no constitutional obligation under the first amendment to pay for Sean Hannity’s microphone.
Jeff Sessions would have to appoint a special counsel so outrageously ideological it is tough to think of a candidate with the right level of Republican virulence.
Maybe a soft landing for Judge Roy Moore?
Hey, DNREC is finally allowing the public to participate in the CZA reg process. Granted, they just gave the press release today and the meeting is in two weeks.. It’s still a sham, and pretty lazy, but so far better than nothing…
Contact: Michael Globetti, DNREC Public Affairs, 302-739-9902.
DNREC to hold workshops Nov. 29 and 30 seeking public input
on Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act regulatory process
DOVER (Nov. 14, 2017) – Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will hold two public workshops this month seeking input as DNREC begins the regulatory process for developing regulations for the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act, which Governor John Carney signed into law in August. The act requires the Department to develop and promulgate regulations for the redevelopment of 14 heavy-industrial use sites in Delaware’s Coastal Zone by Oct. 1, 2019. The workshops will provide the public an opportunity to comment on the process the Department will use to develop regulations for the conversion permits DNREC will issue for sites to be redeveloped.
The two workshops will be held:
· Wednesday, Nov. 29, at the Kingswood Community Center, 2300 Bowers Street, Wilmington, DE 19802, and
· Thursday, Nov. 30, at Delaware City Fire Hall, 815 5th Street, Delaware City, DE 19706.
Both workshops will begin at 6 p.m.
“The workshops provide an open forum for everyone wanting to express their thoughts and concerns about the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act regulatory process,” said DNREC Secretary Shawn M. Garvin. “The Coastal Zone is an important part of Delaware and our environment. The State is committed to having an open and inclusive process, which starts with defining what the process will look like. The workshops are the Department’s first opportunity to listen to input from our citizens about the best way to implement the revisions to the Coastal Zone Act.
Information gathered at the workshops will be compiled by the Consensus Building Institute (CBI), a non-profit organization collaborating with DNREC and the State of Delaware to ensure that regulations are developed by the Department with transparency and openness during the regulatory process. CBI was chosen by the State because it played a similar role in Coastal Zone Act regulations developed in the late 1990s. The information gathered at the workshops will be used by DNREC to help the Department establish a Regulatory Advisory Committee (RAC), which will help guide development of Coastal Zone Conversion Permit regulations.
Both workshops will follow the same agenda. The first part will include informative presentations about legislative changes to the Coastal Zone Act (which originated as House Bill 190 before it was signed into law as the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act by the Governor) followed by an opportunity for public comment. During the second half of the workshop, all who attend will be asked to participate in breakout groups focused on establishing the RAC and the role that committee will have in formulating regulations.
The information gathered by CBI in stakeholder interviews and comments made at the public workshops will not be used in drafting conversion permit regulations, but are intended to gather input on the strategy DNREC might use in developing regulations in an open and transparent manner. Information gathered during the workshops and from CBI’s stakeholder interviews will be compiled in a report for DNREC and made available for public review when complete.
For more information on the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act, please visit To stay updated on the regulatory process for developing the conversion permit, you can also subscribe to the Coastal Zone Act email listserv by sending a blank email to
Vol. 47, No. 241
Doesn’t Ken Starr need a job?
Sean Wahnnity spent 20 minutes attacking Media Matters on his show last night, which shows that the advertiser exodus has him worried. He claims liberals want to “silence” him.
Honest, dude, it’s not just liberals. It’s anyone with a brain.
When you blatantly abuse your advertisers, you shouldn’t be surprised to find that you soon have fewer.
@LE: Exactly my thought. Who would advertise with a guy who might say something incredibly offensive at any time and, when people pressure you about it, will throw you under the bus?
“Nice brand messaging you have there. Sure hate to see anything bad happen to it.”
Yep… Just as predicted.
More advertisers are fleeing. They imply it’s about Moore, but it’s really about the treatment of Keurig.