Delaware Liberal

Open Thread Nov. 16: County Council Clown Show

The News Journal is too busy dredging up the Capano case (it’s an anniversary thing) to bother covering New Castle County Council, but WDEL was there for an epic meltdown by council President Karen Hartley-Nagle when she was stripped of her last committee assignment by a vote of council. The back-and-forth with Councilman George Smiley is priceless.

Add this to the Joe for President talk: A Morning Consult/Politico poll conducted Nov.9th through 11th and released today. The good news: Biden holds an 11-point lead on Trump, 46-35. The bad news (for Joe): A generic Democrat leads by 14, 48-34.

The #metoo hashtag sweeping Hollywood has brought forward victims nobody expected, and no name was more surprising than actor Terry Crews — president Camacho from “Idiocracy” — who said he was sexually assaulted. He finally told the whole story, complete with the name of his attacker. If an ex-NFL linebacker can be sexually assaulted, anyone can.

Wonder why Sean Hannity quickly made nice with Keurig? Maybe it’s because they aren’t the only ones bailing on his show. Couldn’t happen to a steamier pile of poo.

Speaking of rich white guys who stepped in poo, Papa John Schatter seems to have deduced that there’s more money in liberalism than dead-end flag worshipping, even flipping off the neo-Nazis who said his was now the pizza of the alt-right.

Feel free to add anything else you find interesting.

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