Delaware Liberal

Tea and Clickbait: GOP Infighting, Court-Packing and a Senatorial Snowflake

While Democrats cast lots to see which justice warrior is pure enough to deserve Al Franken’s Senate seat, Republicans are in pitched battle over Roy Moore’s candidacy. At least Moore has correctly identified his actual tormenters — the Mitch McConnell Republican establishment. He even got aging gasbag Rush Limbaugh to take up the hue and cry.

Filthy rich Sen. Orrin Hatch took it personally when Sen. Sherrod Brown dared to point out that the Republican tax bills will greatly benefit the rich, dredging up his lower-middle-class upbringing, as if that meant something tothe debate. I’d really prefer to fight Republicans on this battlefield than in the sexual harassment swamp.

Why did Republicans who don’t like Trump personally vote for him anyway? Among the most popular answers they gave was the Supreme Court, but it goes much deeper than that. The Federalist Society, yet another organization organized by conservatives to empower themselves, has a plan for expanding and packing the federal courts that seeks to turn this temporary conservative control of government into a 40-year reign of error in the judiciary.

Josh Marshall looks at an elephant in the digital media room: Venture capitalists are reluctant to keep pumping cash into what looks like a shrinking market.

One of the million little ways the Fuckthepublican Party is making life worse for everyone but business owners: The EPA has cut off funding for a magazine that tracks environmental progress on cleaning up the nutrient overload in the Chesapeake Bay, possibly as part of the program to eliminate anything using the dread words “climate change.”

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