Doofus Donald Does It Again

Filed in National by on November 27, 2017

My face spends so much time in my palms I’m forgetting what the sky looks like, and I long for the days when we could mock a politician for months for misspelling “potato.”

Trump was holding a ceremony today to honor Native American Code Talkers, whose language constituted a “code” enemies could not break in WW II, when his mind wandered from the Indians in the room to the only other Indian he knows of.

″You were here long before any of us were here,” Trump said to the veterans. “Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”

By “they,” Trump means “I,” by “representative” he means “senator,” and by “Pocahontas” he means Elizabeth Warren. Code talkers indeed.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders — and isn’t she a lump off the old clod? — batted away suggestions that this was inappropriate and offensive by attacking Warren for lying about her heritage to advance her career. The Atlantic found that particular charge untrue back in 2012, when Warren’s Native American heritage, or lack thereof, was a big issue in her race against Scott Brown. Nothing has ever emerged to indicate otherwise, yet Trump, ever the pro wrestling heel at heart, keeps the smear alive by adding a smear of his own. Keep the storyline alive; you never know when you might need it.

The sad thing is that it works. That five-year-old Atlantic story went to No. 3 on the magazine’s trending list today. It’s a pretty long way down before you learn that, while Warren listed herself as a minority in professional publications and societies, she did not use it on applications for college or jobs. She always said Cherokee ancestry was family oral history, and I see no reason to disbelieve her. Madeleine Albright found out she was Jewish from the press.

The lesson in all this is that Trump could fuck up a one-car funeral, which I suspect his own will be. Please, please, please do not ever let him honor any Holocaust survivors. He’ll tell them they look well-fed.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Absolutely pitiful.

  2. Homesteader says:

    Well, at least he is an equal-opportunity offender. There aren’t many groups left that he hasn’t insulted and/or offended. Except Nazis, he seems to like them. And of course, Russians.

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    But while we’re focused on this sort of nonsense, the State Department is being dismantled (probably at Putin’s request), the CFPB is about to be gutted (at Wall Street’s request), the EPA is being destroyed (probably at the request of big oil), the courts are being stuffed with incompetent hacks, and they’re about to print $1.5 trillion new dollars to give to rich people (which will also probably knock the dollar off its global perch).

    The country is going to hell, and we’re playing word games? oh yea.. it was a slur.

  4. mouse says:

    Isn’t the football game on?

  5. Alby says:

    @LE: I thought it significant that they’re worried enough about Warren to attack her at every opportunity. Unfortunately, it works. Her approval rating is much lower than it should be.

    Those other issues are ones we can do nothing about. If the Republicans want to nominate clowns to the courts, they have the numbers to do it. We’ll just have to impeach them at a later date, if and when sanity returns to the country.

    If you want them discussed, there’s room on every open thread.

  6. mouse says:

    I didn’t realize how much of the country was comfortable with crude crass ugly pig behavior

  7. Liberal Elite says:

    @A “Unfortunately, it works. Her approval rating is much lower than it should be.”

    Not according to the Washington Post.

    They see Trump’s talk as a net positive for her.

  8. Alby says:

    Ooh, I hadn’t seen that one. Thanks for the link. I was going off articles like this.