Denying reality is trending, as the kidz say. Republicans have been doing it for decades, but lots of Democrats are giving them competition. Consider this essay by Sean McElwee, who declares “the Democratic Party is fine,” and argues it is “the most united American party in modern political history.” Given that his head shot makes him look about 12 years old, his idea of “history” might not match ours.
I skipped a link yesterday to a major New York Times piece on Trump, because I didn’t think anyone would be surprised to learn he watches four hours of cable news every morning. But naturally the Shit Gibbon had to strike back in a way that would intimidate any small third-grader.
Nikki Haley must be ready to leave her position as UN ambassador, because yesterday she said Donald Trump’s sexual-harassment accusers “should be heard,” which means they should be allowed to accuse the Shitwipe-in-Chief of crimes. Buh-bye, Nikki.
Even worse for President Stinky Fingers is the news that three of his accusers appeared on Megyn Kelly’s show on NBC at 9 a.m. before holding a 10:30 a.m. news conference to air their allegations and call for an investigation. That’s important because the “Today” audience isn’t exactly full of news junkies. Glad to see that some of the enemies Trump made on the campaign trail still have it in for him.
Closeted self-loather Lindsay Graham has given up his Trump criticism, showing he’s as craven as the rest of his GOP colleagues (Jeff Flake excluded) who bent the knee to keep their jobs.
Oh, and here’s the story nobody pays attention to because of all the old, shriveled penises on display: California Gov. Jerry Brown was on “60 Minutes” to point out that his state went from heavy debt to a booming economy by raising taxes on the rich.
Speaking of that, Alabama’s special election is tomorrow, and the polls are all over the place. Almost everyone agrees the result will hinge on African-American turnout, and many outlets are reporting a lack of enthusiasm for Doug Jones, a Democrat who makes Delaware Democrats look like Eugene Debs. So get your bets down early.
Add anything else I missed.