Delaware Liberal

Open Thread Dec. 15: Public Opinion Be Damned

When it comes to the tax bill, the Republican Party is damned if it does, even its members think they’re damned if they don’t. Michael Tomasky goes to the research, which shows that the GOP’s two big priorities — killing Obamacare and giving an enormous tax cut to the rich — are the two least popular bills of the modern Congressional era.

Delaware Democrats made a big show of introducing a ban on bump stocks on the anniversary of the Connecticut school shootings. This is one of those bills that won’t accomplish a lot if passed, but is sure to generate lots of noise and controversy on its way.

Rather than fix its problem with the state’s school funding formula, the geniuses who helped destroy the Christina school district now want the state to have the authority to boot duly elected school board members for — well, it doesn’t really matter, does it? A state that has no way to recall elected officials incapable of performing their jobs — Karen Weldin Stewart and Karen Hartley-Nagle spring immediately to mind — ought to fix its own wagon first, doncha think?

Senate Republicans seem to have come to their senses about some of Trump’s worst judicial nominees, but the bad news is that a dozen have already been confirmed. That’s not even counting this guy, who couldn’t answer basic legal questions at his hearing yesterday.

The wife of disgraced Kentucky con man/preacher/politician Dan Johnson, who killed himself as the truth closed in, has a true-believing sap in his ex-wife, who claims she will fight this “high-tech lynching” by running for his office. If you didn’t read the story about him from the investigative reporting group that took him down, you’ll know how sad and pathetic this is.

Speaking of sad and pathetic, Donny Deutsch of MSNBC, who has known Trump for years, says the Secret Service has been reduced to warming up the room for the president when he visits his golf courses, warning guests, “When you speak to the president, be positive.”

Finally, the #metoo movement has already cleared a shark or two –Al Franken squeezed a woman’s waist during a photo! — but this heartfelt, empty-headed discussion of how we should look at centuries of art when it’s so obviously the product of the male gaze carries the reader over an entire ocean of them.

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