Delaware Liberal

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church, and even after a lifetime of following politics I have never seen a more corrupt, hypocritical organization in my life — and, given its longevity, it would be hard to argue that a more corrupt, hypocritical organization ever existed.

This was made clear to the broader public only with the exposure of decades (actually centuries, I’m sure) of pedophilia and sexual assault of children and the efforts made by the church to protect clergy from civil consequences. But the rot goes much, much deeper than that.

Consider this gem unearthed by the Friendly Atheist blog, from a radio show called “Catholic Answer Live,” which purports to answer ethical questions for listeners. A caller said he had been contracted to install fire alarms at an abortion clinic — what should he do?

OK, ignore the fact that this sounds like a phony question concocted to pose the ethical dilemma. Host Fr. Paul Keller had no apparent qualms about telling the caller:

… It would be not a good thing to be involved in helping somebody who’s taking a life… Think about if you were in Nazi Germany, and you were asked by Hitler to install a fire alarm, or a sprinkler system, in one of the guards’ shacks right next to the ovens that were killing Christians and Jews, and so forth. I don’t think you’d want to even set foot in an internment camp such as… in that part of the world.

Or the Ku Klux Klan. Suppose the Ku Klux Klan asked you to do this similar work in one of their offices, but they are completed devoted to being anti-Catholic and… being totally racist and so forth. So no, you wouldn’t want to do that.

And it’s the same thing, only worse, with this company, because that is Planned Parenthood, because their business is to kill babies in the womb, and we should have nothing to do with it. We should not aid and abet them in any way whatsoever. So, yes, it would be unethical to work with them, for them, in any way.

Any correlation between Catholic theology and the teachings of Jesus Josephson the Nazarene are completely coincidental.

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