Delaware Liberal

Open Thread For Dec. 20, 2017

Alby is incommunicado this morning, no doubt hanging with some amis of his, enjoying a croissant avec beurre blanc, and trying on berets. I’ll attempt to squeeze my pieds into his, um,  soul shoes.

The Great Robbery Of 2017 is almost complete.  The blatant transfer of more wealth to those who needed it least. The fact that D’s put up so little fight was predictable and depressing.  ‘We have an election issue!’ is the meme.  No, the D’s are the issue, at least to those who still identify with this spineless lot. Does anyone doubt that if the positions were reversed, the Rethugs would have ground momentum for passage of a D initiative into dust? See: The last 8 years.

How about a little good news for a change?  A D candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates won the official recount by, wait for it, one vote.  This means that there are 50 D’s and 50 R’s in the House. Shared government, anybody?

Cardinal Who Enabled Sex Abusers in Priesthood Dies. Goes Immediately to Hell.  Boston’s ironically-named Cardinal Law, who headed the Boston archdiocese during a time when 48 priests and numerous church officials were sexually abusing minors. And did nothing about it, save for covering it up.

Collins Plays The Clinton Card.  Decries criticism of her vote for billionaires as ‘unbelievably sexist’.  Right, b/c any criticism of any female public figure must be b/c she is female, not b/c what she is doing sucks. Is it sexist to point out that the alleged ‘concessions’ she got in order for her to support the tax giveaway will never, repeat, never be approved by the House?

Yes, The Internet Is Really Slow Right Now.  A preview of things to come?

State Is Out Over $7 Mill On Vaughn Prison Payouts.  Price tag to go higher.  We must be using that Chicago School Of Economics Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.  As in, it’s cheaper to pay out to families of those who died than pay for a corrections system that works and protects both the prisoners and the people who work there.

That should be enough to get everyone started.  Monsieur Alby may care to comment further upon his return from Parts  (or is it Paris?) Unknown.


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