Delaware Liberal

Open Thread Dec. 24: Whiter Christmas

The worst part of the Democratic Party’s embrace of neoliberal elitism is that it has led to a party run by hack middle-management types without a creative bone in their heads. Consider their chicken-livered response to the GOP’s need for Democratic votes to keep the government open over the holidays. After weeks of talk about using this a as a lever to help Dreamers, Our Leaders instead folded faster than a beach chair in a trash compactor, making clear that you can’t spell “leadership” with a group of people too timid to risk buying a vowel.

Luckily for us, their Republican opponents are so stupid they can’t figure out which part of the toilet to piss in. Because Trump’s priority is whatever the last Fox News guest said it should be, he made a big point of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital just in time for the holiday season — which had the effect of destroying Christmas tourism in the little town of Bethlehem.

On the other hand, the day-to-day chaos and incompetence are taking a toll on government employees. The drumbeat of dunderheadedness has deputy FBI chief Andrew McCabe eyeing the exits. An exodus that dwarfs the Hebrews departing Egypt is expected after Jan. 1.

Speaking of which, the year-end roundups compiled by reporters who wanted off during the holidays are starting to run. For a look ahead at far-reaching effect Trump will have on the nation — tax cuts are temporary, but incompetent jurists are forever — check out this Guardian piece. Consider that a trigger warning.

Now off to help with tonight’s meal. Those smelts won’t fry themselves.

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