Delaware Liberal

Open Thread Jan. 5: Fire, Fury and a Bomb Cyclone

Yesterday’s “bomb cyclone” brought Slower Lower Delaware all the way to a standstill, but the high winds and near-foot of snow were nothing compared with what happened in Boston, where the sea reclaimed the streets in the worst flooding in a century. Global warming? Not entirely. Some of the blame goes to, believe it or not, the moon.

The shock waves from Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” continue to spread out from their White House epicenter, but is anyone actually surprised by anything they’ve learned from the book? Almost certainly not — everything in there was, as the saying goes, an Open Secret. James Fallows notes that, in a post-Weinstein America, the “open secret” excuse is no longer being accepted as an excuse — the question nowadays quickly becomes, “Why didn’t you do something about it if you knew?” And that’s what is going to kill the Republican Party — they know what’s going on and are profiting by it instead of stopping it. This is ultimately why “kicking the can down the road” is a poor metaphor for Congress’ long-running inability to do its job — the can doesn’t explode after you kick it long enough.

KKKeebler Elfmaster Jeff Sessions didn’t just harsh the mellow of every marijuana user in the country when he decided to crack down on legal weed, he’s seriously fucking with the revenue streams of several states — Colorado for instance, where Republican Sen. Cory Gardner is threatening to scotch some DOJ nominees in response.

Want to end a Democrat’s career? Catch him creeping on women. Want to end a Republican’s? Catch him talking shit about Donald Trump. Steve Bannon learned this the hard way yesterday when his Mercer paymasters cut him for dead, aligning themselves instead with Trump. This brings up the frightening prospect that even people like the Mercers are afraid of Trump’s followers, which means there is, very literally, nobody in charge.

The retail apocalypse has claimed a local victim. The venerable Sears store at Prices Corner will close in April, with the auto center shutting down this month.

Somebody woke up John Carney long enough for him to express opposition to the Trump “administration” plan to open areas off the Delaware coast to oil drilling.

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