Delaware Liberal

Patrice Gilliam-Johnson: Did She Jump Or Was She Pushed?

The incumbent Secretary of Labor, who has been acting Secretary Of Labor under John Carney largely b/c one state senator has held up her nomination, has taken a new gig at Delaware State University as Dean of Graduate, Adult And Continuing Studies, according to this WDEL report.

While it’s possible that Patrice Gilliam-Johnson would have taken this position even had Carney acted decisively and reappointed her despite the opposition of Sen. Nicole Poore, who feared for the future of her bullshit Jobs For Delaware Graduates sinecure, and disgraced former President Pro Tempore Tony DeLuca, who resented being bossed around by a black woman,  Carney’s jellyfish proclivities no doubt made the decision an easy one.

Which means that everybody should look very closely at who (whom? I never get that one right) Carney chooses to fill this position. It had better be someone who will insist that civil rights job discrimination complaints be taken seriously, and it had better be someone who ensures that limited jobs development funds be spent wisely.  In other words, to pull a name out of thin air, not Patti Blevins.

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