Delaware Liberal

Jan. 28: If We Start Honoring Women, Pretty Soon We’ll Have to Honor Everybody

That’s pretty much the stance of state Sen. Gary Simpson, who objected to a monument honoring women’s WWII service at Leg Hall. His logic is impeccable:

“Obviously men had struggles and gave up a lot when they fought those other wars, Vietnam, (World Wars) I and II. I just, I hate to see one segment of society separated out. I can’t imagine if we were to suggest a monument to the men who fought in wars, the outcry that we would hear. And I know that I’m not being politically correct here, but I just hate to see us go in this direction.”

He’s right about one thing: He’s not PC. The question is why bring it up at all? Despite his dissent, the proposal passed on a 9-1 vote. It could be symptoms of a virus that Trumps carried into the GOP and has swept its ranks, rendering its victims incapable of not speaking whatever ignorant thought pops onto their tongues. Or maybe Delaware Republicans, looking to protect the weakest among them, are holding a contest to see which legislator can do something so stupid that Colin Bonini starts to seem like just another clown in the car. Leave other possibilities in the comments.

Most people cling to the past, but sometimes that’s a good thing. Without that instinct, George and Paula Wolkind wouldn’t be starting a Delaware Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame. Back in the day George fronted Snakegrinder; the couple moved back to Delaware from Colorado with this project in mind. A fun read for anyone who remembers the Delaware music scene of the ’70s, ’80s and earlier.

Looking for good a read on a rainy Sunday? I recommend off this Manhattanite’s realization that she was violating nature by feeding birds in a window of her 25th-floor apartment. Should she stop? When she researched the question, she learned that America’s millions of bird feeders are actually influencing the evolution of finches.

Chickens vastly outnumber humans in Delaware, but most people don’t think about them much beyond roasted or fried. Certainly no Delaware chicken got the sendoff Big Mama got from her grieving owners in Texas, who placed an obituary in the local paper after her demise. Link also includes some facts on chicken intelligence that might make you rethink your fondness for Walt’s.

Speaking of chickens, selling them as a franchisee of the Colonel comes with a lot of strings attached. One guy in the Midwest found out when the company told him he can’t advertise his chicken as halal — a big blow considering he opened his restaurants in heavily Muslim areas with that as the drawing card.

While we’re on the subject of food, you might want to rethink that box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day after you read about the connection between sugar and Alzheimer’s.

A longitudinal study, published Thursday in the journal Diabetologia, followed 5,189 people over 10 years and found that people with high blood sugar had a faster rate of cognitive decline than those with normal blood sugar—whether or not their blood-sugar level technically made them diabetic. In other words, the higher the blood sugar, the faster the cognitive decline.

Trump got into a Twitter fight with Jay-Z this morning — is there a black person anywhere he won’t pick a fight with? — and struck at him by citing an actual fact that he didn’t make up: Black unemployment is at historically low levels, something that Van Jones and Jay-Z talked about in the interview Trump was reacting to. Jay-Z’s response was that “money doesn’t bring happiness,” which is what you’d expect to hear from a man whose wife recorded a gazillion-selling album about his infidelity. My response: Black unemployment was at 0% in 1859.

While Trump is taking credit for putting the young bucks back in the cotton fields, his retreat from the International Space Station and the privatization of American launch capability is speeding the day when China pulls way out ahead in the space race.

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