Delaware Liberal

Big Gummint Is Coming to Transgender Your Kids

I warned you months ago that the Delaware GOP, having less intelligence than a majority of the state’s chicken population, was pinning its 2018 hopes on its latest horror movie, “Attack of the 50-Foot Transgender.” (Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Do you want it in your kids’ locker room?)

Sure enough, the Department of Education held a public hearing last night on the nefarious Regulation 225, regarding how the state’s public schools should treat transgender students. I would argue this was all for show, as the department already has 11,000 written comments about it, and eight of Delaware’s GOP lawmakers attended to parade their conservative bona fides.

To nobody’s surprise, the state’s reactionaries showed up to voice their usual fear-based concerns. My favorite is the photo of the guy who looks like a fatter, less attractive Harvey Weinstein, nattering on about how people are biologically male or female. That’s not true — intersex people account for over 1% of live births — but don’t expect anybody voicing their opinions as facts to have their ignorance corrected. My question is simple: If you saw him naked from the waist up, would you be able to guess his gender?

What I find infuriating about all this is that the Department of Education won’t state the obvious reason for this guideline: School districts all over the country are paying out millions in damage lawsuits brought by transgendered students. The same dumbfucks who are bitching about this spend much of the rest of their time bitching about the government wasting money. They’re the same people who hate Obamacare but use the ACA.

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