1. Park City Kathy Makes It Official. Yes, she’s running. For State Auditor. You know, the Public Watchdog of the Purse Strings. Here’s what she said as part of her announcement:
“My motivation is that I have been paying taxes and I know we can do better for all Delawareans.”
Heavy, man. Let’s cut through the crap. She is running for office because she wants to be somebody. A playa. Here are her accomplishments: She was permitted to run for office despite not having been a Delaware resident for the required length of time. (I have little doubt that Elaine Manlove, prompted by Pistol Pete Schwartzkopf, contorted herself into making that ruling.) She was a Democrat, a Republican, and even an IPOD member. She and Ernie Lopez had an affair. She and Pete Schwartzkopf are close. She has no background in accounting or auditing. To certain guys, she’s hot. Anybody have anything to add? She is precisely the type of candidate we, or, at least, I, don’t ever want to see in public office. Amoral people who couldn’t give two shits about what’s in the public interest, and give beaucoups shits about promoting themselves. Here’s what I can guarantee: Anything that Pete Schwartzkopf wants to protect will never be reviewed by Kathy McGuiness. You know, like anything pertaining to the State police. Awful, just awful. Can we please get a credible challenger? Dennis E. Williams is not credible. Just another guy who runs because he has to.
2. Kerri Harris Is Candidate X.
The reveal came this week. The announcement is tomorrow. I’m 100% all in. By contrast, the News Journal wrote a piece that could have been penned by Ed Freel. Or Celia Cohen. And, no, I won’t link to it. Fortunately, the News Journal has no influence any more. Lots more about this candidacy after the announcement.
3. The Simpson/Wilson Dance Gets A New Partner.
OK, here’s the story. Rep. David Wilson announces that Sen. Gary Simpson will not run for reelection and that he, Wilson, will run for the seat. Simpson is pissed, would-be kingmaker Dave Burris, who has his own tow-headed dream candidate in mind (Milford Mayor Bryan Shupe), is pissed. Wilson saw the game that Simpson and Burris had cooked up and pooped on the (P)arty. Well, turns out that Wilson has his own game in mind, and poop, at least of the chicken variety, is very much in evidence. Yep, Wilson’s own hand-selected successor has filed to run. By the name of Jesse Vanderwende. He is, wait for it, a chicken farmer. And runs ice cream stands. One presumes he speaks the English language far better than the marble-mouthed auctioneer he would replace. It remains to be seen whether Burris will scrounge somebody up to challenge Vanderwende. Gotta say, this guy looks like a strong candidate.
4. Andria Bennett Gets R Challenger.
Unfortunately, she’s merely a right-wing alternative to the turncoat Bennett. Cheryl Precourt is a member of the Caesar Rodney Board of Education who led the fight against permitting the administering of Depo-Provera (contraceptive) shots to students. Here’s what she said:
“Depo Provera and other medications have serious side effects and… I personally do not want to be responsible for stepping over what I believe is a parent’s natural right to direct the education and wellbeing of their child.”
The district is now overwhelmingly D. Either Bennett gets a meaningful primary, or she’ll be there to cast clueless votes against D priorities.
5. I’m All In For Chris Johnson For AG. Why? Read this article from the Delaware State News. He’s not couching his words or positions. He, in fact, is deliberately offering an unapologetic progressive agenda. I’m an unapologetic progressive. Looks like I’ll be knocking on some doors when the weather gets warmer…
6. Filings. Incumbent Kent County Levy Court Commissioner James Hosfelt (R-2nd District). Both Hosfelt and his D challenger Jeffrey Hall appear to be substantive candidates.
That’s it for this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?