Delaware Liberal

Dustyn Thompson Files Grievance Over 13th RD’s Clubby Endorsements

To Erik Raser-Schramm and David Woodside:

I would like to file a formal complaint about the events that transpired on 2/12/18 at the 13th representative district committee meeting.

Background information: In the year and a half since I was elected to serve on this committee I have only missed one meeting. The normal attendance at our meetings is usually in the single digits, around 7 people. On this night, 15 members showed up, with the addition of two new members, who were later voted onto the committee. It was on the agenda for 2/12/18 that we would discuss endorsements for multiple races at our next meeting on the second Monday in March. This was to allow for Dave Woodside, chair of the NCC Democratic party, to be able to attend and guide the newly elected chair, Eli Infante, through the endorsement process.

Timeline: After discussing the fact that we would be voting on endorsements next month, Eli Infante proceeded to read two letters, one from Rep. Mitchell and another from Ken Woods, detailing their requests for an endorsement from the 13th RD Committee. After reading the letters, the Vice Chair, Steve Burg, reminded the committee that it was past practice to always endorse the incumbent in a race, particularly if they serve on the committee. He went on to detail that the only case that they did not endorse an office was if the seat was vacant with no Democratic incumbent with multiple people serving on the committee running for that same seat. After this, Patricia Blevins made a motion to move that the committee vote to endorse Kenneth Woods for the 1st district of NCC council, and Larry Mitchell, who was not present, for our State House Representative. The motion was seconded after an amendment by Mike Matthews to separate the vote into two separate votes to any avoid conflicts of interest. In attendance was Jordyn Pusey, from the 13th RD Committee, who is also running for the NCC Council for District 1. Jordyn was denied the opportunity to present her case for her candidacy before the vote, even though she was in attendance.

I repeatedly raised the issue that the vote for endorsements was not on the agenda for this evening, and that we should be fair and allow for proper notice by keeping it on for next month as planned. However, my concern was overruled by those in attendance, with the exception of the chair and Mrs. Pusey, and I was Informed that “this is just the way things are done.” There was no motion to amend the agenda on the floor, which is required by Roberts Rules of Order. I stated that committee members should have proper notice of an endorsement vote, and that there should be complete transparency and inclusion in the endorsement process, and that what was happening tonight was not the democratic process by which we should operate. The vote proceeded unabated.

The vote to endorse was 12 yes – 2 no with one abstaining to endorse Ken Woods, and 14 yes -0 no with one abstaining for Representative Mitchell.

Whereas, it is the position of this Democratic Party of Delaware that we operate in a fair, inclusive, and transparent manner, we should not only be required to notify all committee members of any meeting that will include endorsements at least a month ahead of time, so that they can make plans to research candidates and attend said meeting, but should also require RDs to allow those who are interested in running for the office being voted on to speak about their candidacy if they are in attendance at said meeting before the vote commences. This would be the most fair and transparent way we could conduct these endorsements, and that is what this Democratic Party of Delaware states are two of its core principles. It is not just to allow an RD member who is running for office to load the room and force a surprise vote to support an endorsement for their own candidacy. It is disrespectful to the other candidates, and an affront to our democratic values as a party.

Whereas, it is already difficult to bring people into the political process, we should do everything we can to abide by democratic values and operate in the most transparent manner possible. We cannot expect new people to get involved in our party, if this is how we are going to conduct ourselves.

Whereas, it is my understanding that the 13th RD does not have the power to endorse a council district that is split amongst multiple RDs, as the district in question is. I formally request that the State Party and the County Executive Committee void the endorsement and formally recommend procedures to the RD Committee on how this particular race is legally supposed to be handled.

Whereas, there is a great deal of confusion on the endorsement process overall, I request that the State Party spell out clear guidelines for how RDs are to conduct endorsement votes, and request that they consider including the suggestions above that deal with the timeline and voting procedures.

Whereas, the Delaware Democratic Party believes in inclusion and bringing people into the political process, I would request that the State Party and the County Executive Committee immediately move to establish an interim guideline on if, when, on what grounds, and how the Subdivisions or the State Party is able to revoke access to the VAN Network from any particular candidate for office. I further request that this be put into writing, and distributed publicly and directly to each RD member for clarification and transparency purposes.


Dustyn Thompson

13th RD Committee Member

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