Delaware Liberal

Open Thread Feb. 15: Insert Thoughts and Prayers Here, Repeat as Often as Necessary

Unless you’re an obsessive consumer of school-shooting stories, there’s not much in the news today. White House reporters are keeping up the heat on Sarah Huckabee over the Rob Porter scandal, but nobody outside Politico has noticed because the air is so thick with thoughts and prayers.

Elizabeth Warren has been dogged for six years now by questions about whether or not she has Cherokee heritage, so yesterday she tackled it head-on with a speech to the National Congress of American Indians.

I never suspected that Bibi Netanyahu was a crook. I had long thought he was a nationalist ideologue along the lines of Charles de Gaulle, but recent revelations indicate otherwise. Maybe he’s just trying to fit in with the globe’s growing strongman movement, but he’s now pulling a Trump by attacking the investigators who turned up his alleged crimes.

Jason330 told you last month about the approach of Day Zero in Cape Town, when the city will run out of water (the date has moved back from April to June 4). The main problem is drought, but its effects were made worse by politics and lack of planning which, in human affairs, qualify as “the usual suspects.”

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