Delaware Liberal

Carney To Prospective Breast Cancer Patients: Drop Dead

OK, even I grant you that the headline is a bit alarmist. But not much.  John Carney has proposed parking the state mammography van.  Alleged savings: $277,000. 

Because this brain-dead aparatchik can’t envision a scenario where Delaware’s wealthiest pay more in order to protect those who can’t afford mammograms. 1005 women, mostly black or Hispanic, who got mammograms from mid-2016 to mid-2017 thanks to the van, to place this in context.

His apologist, Karla Rattay, says that the state can find more efficient ways to offer these services.  Because spending one penny more than $277,000  on mammogram outreach is unthinkable in Carneyworld.  For those of you who have forgotten, his party affiliation is ‘D’.


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