Screw Your Courage to the Sticking-place and #DareToAct

Filed in National by on February 21, 2018

Everyone who has (rightfully) trashed Tom Caper in these pages for his corporation loving ways will soon be asked to make those sentiments tangible. Stay tuned for a DL fundraiser for Kerri Harris.

Dear Jason330,
American families face growing piles of debt as healthcare and education become increasingly unaffordable. All the while, the public institutions that support our neighborhoods—schools, libraries and community centers—are falling into disrepair.
We need solutions that will help working families.

Many of our pipeline politicians are removed from the hardships facing ordinary Americans; therefore when the time comes to stand firm for the best interests of the people, they vote instead for the benefit of special interest groups.

My name is Kerri Evelyn Harris. As a veteran, advocate, and community coordinator, I’ve dedicated my life to public service. I live in Kent County, work in New Castle County, have a daughter in Capital School District, and organize throughout Delaware to make sure every person has a voice in the policies that affect their daily lives.
I am running for the United States Senate because we need a voice in Washington that reflects the experiences and values of working families across Delaware.
Help me give this seat back to the people. This is the year we start putting people back into our policy. This is the year for change in Delaware!
It’s our turn now! Let’s show them what the people can do! Sign up to volunteer or consider making a donation
I ask you, do you #DareToAct with me?


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Justadude says:

    Carper 18

  2. jason330 says:

    Once more like you mean it.

  3. Alby says:

    What’s that, his IQ?

  4. Ben says:

    That was actually Carper’s entire 2018 campaign. He’s that confident/arrogant/clueless.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Wait till you get a load of this disgrace in the News Journal print edition today. I sent it over to Alby and Jason. Hopefully they can put it up with some commentary…

  6. Alby says:

    Holy crap. The Environmental Defense Fund? I don’t donate to it, but I never realized it was a phony group.

    Alan Mueller of Green Delaware sent out an alert last week about Coons and Carper both co-sponsoring the “let farmers avoid pollution monitoring” bill that isn’t even aimed at Delaware farms — it’s aimed at enormous hog-raising operations like those in North Carolina that produce the equivalent waste stream of a small town, if small towns just let all their sewage sit around in open-air lagoons.

    Here’s the truly pathetic part — THOSE FARMERS ALL VOTE REPUBLICAN. These shitbags are literally going to bat for people who will never vote for them rather than side with the public.

    These are the people carrying the banner of what is supposedly the people’s party.

    Take heart, though. They wouldn’t be rolling out guns that big if they weren’t scared.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    “I am honored to support this common-sense fix for our poultry farmers in Delaware,” Coons said in a press release after the bill was introduced on Feb. 14. “I believe that strong environmental protections must be balanced with an approach that makes sense for farmers, who work hard to be good stewards of their land. I have heard from many farmers in Delaware about this issue, and I am pleased to be working with Senator Carper to ensure that they get the clarity and relief they need.”

    common sense


    How much poison in the dirt and the water and the air strikes the proper balance?

  8. This practically defines ‘The Third Way’. As do the names Carper and Coons.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    You should see this fucking advert the environmental PAC took out for Carper.


    Little kids running through a meadow… I shit you not.

    At least they ran a story more or less debunking the ad.

  10. Alby says:

    I already wrote to the EDF to lodge a complaint. Egregious.

  11. RE Vanella says:

    I couldn’t take it. I walked over to Carper’s Wilmington office and held them up side by side.

    I don’t know if we’re meant to be stupid or what. I told my man that Carper should just retire. We’re not afraid of Freel or his boy Tom.

    I said I’m voting for Kerri Harris and I told the legislative aid he should as well.

  12. Alby says:

    Well, he ought to retire now instead of waiting until after the primary, which is when the GOP will release the photo of his ex-wife in the emergency room if they still have it. I understand from someone who claims to have seen it that it’s twice as bad as the Rob Porter photo — both her eyes are blackened.

    It’s time to take out the trash.

  13. Alby says:

    Got a response from the Environmental Defense Fund about that Carper ad:

    “We were offering positive reinforcement for Sen. Carper’s fruitful efforts to oppose the nominations of Kathleen Hartnett White (a longtime fossil-fuel advocate, to direct the White House Council on Environmental Quality [CEQ]) and Michael Dourson (as head of EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention). We narrowly defeated the BLM-CRA Methane law by one vote thanks to John McCain, demonstrating that we need to offer positive reinforcement more than ever before. I hope this clarifies why we sent this message.”

    I responded it did, but I thought the money might be better spent informing his constituents about his support for S. 2421.

  14. mouse says:

    Ok dammit, I was in a good mood until I read this crap