This Is What Flailing Looks Like [Updated]
The NRA wants you to know that mass shootings are “ratings gold” for the media.
I made this same point last week. I pointed it out to argue that attention to the shooters encourages people whose obsessions run in that direction, and that we should avoid turning the killers into celebrities. I fully support wall-to-wall coverage of what the survivors have to say about it. I want this account by a Florida radiologist about what bullet wounds from an AR-15 do to human flesh to get universal distribution.
I have no fucking clue what the NRA hopes to gain by pointing out that we have a for-profit media. It certainly doesn’t make the case that we need more guns, since that would result in more shootings, and therefore more media profits, which NRA gun-sucker Dana Loesch says is reprehensible, or something.
Here’s her impassioned plea:
“I represent 5 million plus members [of the NRA], average everyday Americans, moms and dads. They do the school run, go to the grocery story, they’re students, they’re hunters. They are people like me who simply don’t want to be assaulted in the parking lot if we go to the grocery store to buy a gallon of milk at night!”
Five million people? Well, the rest of us come to a total of more than 330 million people who manage to buy milk without shitting our pants at the realization that violent crime exists in the world. If she’s that afraid of being assaulted, shouldn’t she move to a country that bans guns?
Dana also revealed that she needed armed guards to get to the venue, because people yell mean things at her and they might want to shoot her. Yes, that’s NRA logic — anti-gun people might shoot you.
Thinking that you are likely to become a victim is actually a form of narcissism. You’re not that fucking special, Dana, unless you count your truly impressive case of penis envy.
Speaking of penis envy, Donald Trump is still flailing around trying to explain that his Stable Genius Plan that doesn’t call for arming teachers — just some teachers. The 20% of them who are ex-military, according to him — a figure he simply made up while talking to Florida high school students but has now crystalized into fact in the bowl of jello underneath his clown wig.
Still, it’s very important to get him babbling about this as often as possible. His handlers have kept Trump’s mental decline from becoming a hot subject by limiting his contact with the public. The more people realize he’s senile, the less they’ll object to his removal from office.
[Update]: A perfect example of this senility came out Thursday afternoon, when Trump couldn’t follow the explanation he was being given about lockdown measures that could be activated automatically or remotely.
A confused Trump asked him to explain the concept of countermeasures. “I just don’t know what that means,” he said. “Honestly, I don’t know what that means.”
[Indiana Attorney General Curtis] Hill proceeded to give him an example to illustrate it. “If you are in a hallway, with an active shooter in a hall, and he’s going around looking for targets, you got the doors locked, and somebody is monitoring and, for example, they have smoke canisters that can come in and blind to shooter, which distracts them,” he said. “That gives time and, you know, that critical time when he is looking for targets.”
“In the meantime, he’s shooting everybody, though,” the president said.
“Well, in this particular school, they’re locked down,” Hill patiently explained.
Video at the link.
Looks like Dana Loesch is having her moment. Her star turn prompted a response from a TV producer who met her 10 years ago when she, as a right-wing radio host, she came to him with a show proposal:
I saw a pretty good meme:
” If my child hits another child with a stick, I don’t blame the stick.
But I take the stick away…”
I like it. That’s an analogy that actually makes sense.
Loesch is trying too be the next Ann Coulter.
She’ll have to fight off Tomi Lahren, who’s younger and blonder.